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April 10, 1946

Memo per Telegraph Report of Atakishiyev, Ibragimov, and Gasanov from Tabriz

faded handwriting in the upper left-hand corner: “To Dash[[r]]ov”]


Top Secret




per telegraph report of Atakishiyev, Ibragimov, and Gasanov from Tabriz


On April 9th Pishevari was visited by Jamshid Keshaverz, who had arrived from Tehran at the request of his brother and asked Pishevari: did he summon in Tabriz Kombakhsh or any of the representatives of Tudeh?  


Pishevari explained that he was interested in the work of Tudeh and wished to meet with one of the Tudeh representatives and Kombakhsh came in that capacity.


Further, Jamshid was interested in whether the national government agreed to negotiations with the Tehran government and to participation of Tudeh representatives in these talks.


Pishevari answered in the affirmative.


On 9 April Pishevari was visited by Ibragim-Zade, one of the leaders of an Iranian labor union, who had arrived from Mazandaran; she herself is also in a labor union organization which, on behalf of Mazandaran labor organizations, has expressed a readiness to give any aid and support to the Azerbaijani democrats.


She talked about an incident when in the locality of Firuz-Kukh the gendarmes took a rifle from a worker and in reply the workers disarmed the group of gendarmes and returned the rifles to them only after receiving orders of the CC [Central Committee] from Tehran.


On 8 April the British and American consuls in Tabriz requested by telephone to be received by Pishevari.


Pishevari gave an appointment to the British consul on 10 April at 10 AM and the American consul at 5 PM. We will report the text of the conversation.


Pishevari requests as far as possible not to take away the rail-mounted radio station [vagon-radiostantiya], [but] to register [it] and somehow transfer it to the National Government, since another fixed radio station due to [its/their] low power cannot sufficiently support [broadcasting operations].


Minister of State Security of the Azerbaijan SSR

General-Major Yemel’yanov [signed]


10 April 1946

No 1105/219


[faded handwriting across the bottom of the page, only partly legible: “…and more dangerous…artillery attack[?] as natural evidence against us. [We] need to inquire of Moscow by special report 20-29 [v 20 chislakh] April. 11 April F------ [signature]”


A memo describing recent meetings between Pishevari and others.

Document Information


GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.114. Obtained for CWIHP by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret