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February 6, 1963

Memorandum from the Federal Directory of Security

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

Federal Department of Security



Mexico City, February 6, 1963


At 11:30 pm yesterday, on flight 555 by the carrier Sabena, originating from Moscow, Russia, via Brussels, Ivan Skiba, Vladimir Dolgov and Oktai Kuliev, representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth whom I had invited three months ago to visit our country, arrived in this capital. [They traveled] on behalf of the Directors of the Popular Socialist Youth of the PPS.


Present to meet them were Manuel Stephens Garcia, federal representative, Arsenio Martínez Ambrosio, Secretary General of the Popular Socialist Youth, Roberto Jaramillo, ex-Secretary General of the same organization; Joel Garduño, Javier Gutiérrez Rojo, Juana Ramírez, Juventino Sánchez and other members of the same group, as well as employees of the USSR Embassy in Mexico, led by Vice Consul Oleg M. Netchiporenko.


Afterward, the visitors were transported to the Teacher’s House, located at Calle del Naranjo,[1] number 174 in Mexico City, where they were introduced to the leaders of the Popular Socialist Youth from Mexico City as well as those from the Valley of Mexico. Everyone present then sang the “Fourth International,” and shouted “Viva!” to the Soviet Union.


It is known that the Ambassador of the Soviet Union in this capital asked the visitors to come this morning to the USSR's diplomatic headquarters, where they will be offered a meal, then taken later to the official reception of the Popular Socialist Youth at 7 pm, at a place that has still not been specified.


The representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth will remain in Mexico City until the eleventh of this month, then will travel through the states of Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, and Sinaloa.


It is also known that during their stay in the capital of the Republic, the leaders of the Popular Socialist Youth will ask the visitors for their help to carry out the unification of the Latin American Youth,[2] requesting that they support the Federation of Democratic Youth through their channels of communication in order to bring about one of the main resolutions from the development meetings of the 3rd Ordinary National Congress of the Popular Youth. The Federation is headquartered in Moscow, Russia.


During their stay in Mexico, Mr. Ivan Skiba, Mr. Vladimir Dolgov, and Mr. Oktai Kuliev will remain housed at the aforementioned “Teacher’s House.”


The three individuals mentioned were transported upon their arrival at the Central Airport to the place of their lodging in cars with Diplomatic Service plate numbers 372, 379, and 365, which are known to belong to the USSR Embassy in Mexico, along with the vehicles with plate numbers [redacted] from Mexico City, occupied by the persons who were present to receive the visitors.



Colonel D. E. M.

Federal Director of Security


Manuel Rangel Escamilla


[1] Translator's note: “Orange Tree Street,” if the road name should be translated to English as well.

[2]Translator's note: I am not sure if “Youth” is part of the name of a subset the organization, or if it refers to young people in the region generally. “Juventudes” is indeed capitalized in the original, as in “Juventudes Latinoamericanas,” in the last paragraph of the first page.

Mexican Federal Director of Security Manuel Rangel Escamilla reports on representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth's arrival from Moscow, describing the reception they received and providing an overview of their itinerary.

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Document Information


AGN, Instituciones Gubernamentales Siglo XX, Secretaría de Gobernación, Dirección Federal de Seguridad, expediente de Oleg Maksimovich Netchiporenko versión
pública (Diplomático Ruso), fojas 5, 6. Obtained by Manuel Guerra de Luna and translated by Christopher Dunlap.


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Kyungnam University