November 19, 1945
Memorandum Presented to V.M. Molotov by US Ambassador Mr. Harriman on 19 November 1945
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
translation from English
US Ambassador Mr. Harriman
presented [this] to V. M.
Molotov on 19 November 1945
Moscow, 19 November 1945
The Government of the United States is ready to accept the following changes to its proposals regarding the Far East Commission:
1. In accordance with the wish of the Soviet Government to provide a resolution of the main questions through mutual consultation like, for example, the main changes in the constitutional structure or in the control regime for Japan, the Government of the United States would be ready to include in the provision about the operation of the Commission an article providing that directives regarding the main changes in the constitutional structure or in the control regime for Japan will be issued only after preliminary consultation and coordination in the Far East Commission.
2. If paragraph 2, article 3 of the provision about the operation of the Commission is preserved which provides an opportunity for the Government of the United States to issue temporary directives until a decision of the Far East Commission is rendered, or in the event of differences, the Government of the United States would not object to such a voting procedure in the Commission which would include the principle of unanimity among the four main Allies until a decision became mandatory.
The Government of the United States thinks that the Far East Commission is a suitable place for the coordination of an agreed policy regarding Japan, and therefore it is ready to sympathetically consider any Soviet proposal which would promote the achievement of this goal if the right to issue temporary directives is preserved. These temporary directives could be subject to reconsideration by the Commission and will be issued by the Government of the United States, obviously only in such cases when the situation in Japan would not admit delay.
In order for it to be clear what is obviously being envisioned, the Government of the United States would be read:
- to add the following paragraph between article 2 A (1) and article 2 A (2):
“to reconsider any directive sent to the Supreme Commander or any measured undertaken by the Supreme Commander regarding political decisions within the jurisdiction of the Commission at the request of any member”.
- to add the following paragraph between article 3 (1) and article 3 (2):
If the Commission decides that any directive or any measure being reconsidered in accordance with article 2 A (2) should be changed, its decision will be considered as a political decision”.
Translated by Potrubach.
Authenticated by Potrubach.
The Government of the United States agrees to two of the suggested Soviet changes to the American proposals for the Far East Commission for Japan.
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