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Message, J.C. Ajmani, Deputy Secretary (DIS), 'Subject: Resolutions adopted by the 52nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September 1963'

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Ministry of External Affairs

Subject: Resolutions adopted by the 52nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September 1963


Will the Lok Sabha Secretariat kindly refer to their U.Os.No.14/10/64/Con. dated November 21, 1963 and March 10, 1964, the above subject?


2. The resolution, as adopted by the Belgrade Inter-Parliamentary Conference, on the creation of denuclearized and limited armaments zones is similar to the draft resolution with which we had expressed our agreement. The resolution finally adopted introduces a few changes in the draft. In paragraph 3 of the preeambular part, the resolution adopted makes a specific mention of the various proposals made so far for the creation of atom-free zones, whereas the draft resolution referred to only three such zones specifically. Paragraph 6 of the preambular part of the resolution has been redrafted as to include the principle of free consent of the parties involved in the region. The preambular paragraph 7 has been amended in order to take into account the conclusion of the partial test ban treaty on August 5, 1963. Whereas the draft did not have any operative part, the adopted resolution contains two operative paragraphs. The first operative paragraph urges the need for increased efforts to reach agreement on collateral tension-reducing measures; the second calls for the achievement of an agreement on general and complete disarmament under strict international control. We consider that these amplifications and amendments, to the draft are appropriate.


3. The Government of India’s position regarding the creation of denuclearized zones was outlined in the brief provided for the Indian delegation to the Belgrade Inter-Parliamentary Conference. That position remains unchanged. A development that has since taken place is that the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 1911 XV III) on November 27, 1963, on denuclearization of Latin America. This resolution, which was adopted by 91 votes in favor to none against and 15 abstentions, expresses the hope that the Latin American states would initiate studies, which they deemed appropriate, to make the region of Latin America a nuclear-free zone, and express the hope that at the appropriate moment all States, particularly the nuclear powers, would lend their full cooperation for the achievement of their objective. India voted for this resolution and the Indian representative, Mrs. Jijayalakshmi Pundit, reiterated India’s general policy on the question of denuclearized zones in the following words:


“I would like to add a word about denuclearized zones which can also play a part in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. It is quite clear that agreements on nuclear-free zones must provide for verification to ensure that no secret manufacture, receipt or storage of nuclear weapons takes place within such zones. Resolutions of the General Assembly declaring an area to be a denuclearized zone, in as much as they cannot assure verification within the zone, can be no substitute for binding agreements. Further, decisions on denuclearized zones are meaningless without adequate guarantees from the nuclear powers to accept and honour such agreements. Finally, conditions for such zones differ from continent to continent and no one formula can fit all cases.”


[... Document continues on LTBT/Test Ban Proposals]


FROM: J.C. Ajmani, Deputy Secretary (DIS)

TO: Lok Sabha Secretariat, Conference Branch (Sh. P.K. Patnaik), Deputy Secretary

Ministry of External Affairs

U.O.No. U.IV/162/4/1964 dt.17.3.1964


The Indian government compares the final resolution to the draft resolution with which they agreed and states their position towards the final resolution

Document Information


File No. U.IV/162/4/1964. Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September, 1963 – Resolutions adopted on the creation of Denuclearized Zones and on the Moscow Test Ban Treaty. Obtained by Ryan Musto.

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