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February 20, 1985

Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 1/405, to Comrade Traian Pop, 'Audience Note'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

no. 1/405


To comrade Traian Pop



Audience note


On February 20, 1985, Constantin Oancea, Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, received the visit of E.M.  Tiajelnikov, USSR Ambassador in Bucharest. The following persons were present: E.I. Vorobiov, Secretary I at the Soviet Embassy, and I. Ene, Diplomat within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1. Pursuant to the instructions of the Soviet leadership, E.M. Tiajelnikov communicated that the Soviet side proposes that the working meeting of the Vice-ministers of Foreign Affairs of the participating states at the Warsaw Pact, concerning the immediate Soviet-American negotiations in Geneva, take place in Moscow, on March 1, 1985.


The Soviet delegation shall be led by C.M.  Kornienko, First Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.


The Romanian Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs is expected in Moscow on February 28 this year, accompanied by 1-2 collaborators. The Ambassador T. Dudaş can participate at the meeting as well.


It is planned that the meeting in question will take place over one single day.


The Soviet Ambassador kindly requested to be informed in due time concerning the members composing the Romanian delegation and their date of arrival in Moscow.


Answering some questions, Tiajelnikov indicated that the theme of the working meeting is “exchange of opinions concerning the new Soviet-American negotiations in Geneva”.


As far as he knows, it is planned that C. Kornienko will present, in the beginning, a note on the problem in question, and subsequently the other vice-ministers will present the considerations of their respective countries. The preparation of a document is not planned; some short news statement can be prepared.


Constantin Oancea thanked [Tiajelnikov] for this information and said that it shall be communicated to our leaders. He indicated that the meeting of the vice-ministers does not cancel the validity of the Romanian Communist Party proposal to organize, at the level of the parties’ leaders of the states participating at the Warsaw Pact, a multilateral meeting or, if this is not possible, a bilateral meeting. This point is made especially to underline the remarkable importance that our leadership gives to this problem. Consequently, we hope that the message of comrade Nicolae Ceauşescu addressed to comrade Konstantin Chernenko shall receive an adequate answer.


2. E. Tiajelnikov kindly requested again to be informed about the visit in our country of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mozambique, the Soviet part being especially interested in receiving information about the domestic situation in this country.


The audience lasted 15 minutes.


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Document Information


_Documente Diplomatice Române: Seria a III-a: România si Tratatul de la Varsovia. Conferintele ministrilor Afacerilor Externe si ale adjunctilor lor (1966-1991)_ (Bucuresti, 2009), 823-824.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)