Zhou Enlai discusses the withdrawal of the Chinese People's Volunteers from North Korea with Ambassador Pavel Yudin and North Korea's views on the security situation on the Korean Peninsula.
January 23, 1958
Minutes of Conversation between Zhang Wentian and Pavel Yudin (Excerpt)
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Minutes of Conversation between Zhang Wentian and Pavel Yudin
Time: 1958 January 23
Location: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Translator and Documentation: Fang Zu’An
Ambassador [Pavel] Yudin notified us of the following:
Regarding the issue of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army withdrawing from [North] Korea; Moscow has carefully studied our Chinese friends’ proposal on measures to withdraw the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army from [North] Korea and further measures to be taken on the Korea issue. [Our] views [are as follows]:
Moscow completely agrees with the opinion of our Chinese friends. The immediate implementation of this plan will no doubt prompt an easing of the tense international situation. It will maintain the initiative of socialist countries on the Korean issue and provide additional political difficulties for the Americans and the South Korean administration.
Of course, the Soviet government will issue corresponding statements and adopt all measures within its abilities to eagerly support the actions of the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. (He personally hands over a memorandum, the content of which is the same as above).
Ambassador Pavel Yudin discusses the Soviet Union's views on the withdrawal of the Chinese People's Volunteers from North Korea with Zhang Wentian.
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