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May 1939

'Muqarrarat mu'tamar mukafahat al-fashishtiyya' ('The Resolutions of the Conference for the Fight against Fascism')

The conference for the fight against Fascism that convened in Beirut on May 6 and 7, 1939, in view of the fact that the Arabs in their different countries feel that they are a target of Fascist expansion, and in view of Fascism threatening a crushing world war whose blaze will consume us, and given the fact that agents of peace and freedom have created a bloc to block the danger of Fascism and to awaken the small and weak people to defend themselves and join the front of these agents, sees it necessary:

1: that the French government, to strengthen the alliance between us and the French people and to impede Fascist propaganda in our country, ratifies the Franco-Syrian and Franco-Lebanese agreements;

2: that the British government initiates a just solution for the Palestine Question (Mushkilat Filastin) that corresponds to the wishes of the Arabs, the rightful owners of this land, on the basis of the alliance between the Arab people and the English democracy and of the guarantee of peace and quiet for all in that country.

3: that the French government and the local authorities and all responsible [officials] fight Fascist propaganda and imperialism in our country, equally in some newspapers, schools, clubs, and news agencies, and that they grant male and female students the right of organizing and assembly.

4: that the French government and the local authorities and all responsible [officials] guarantee the sanctity of the democratic freedoms that are dear to us, and that they carry out the demands of the people, avoiding anything that may tarnish France’s reputation and the democratic order.

5: that the Arab people, in all their various bodies and organizations, stand in solidarity to secure what they share and to block the Fascist danger and fight its propaganda and to stand [tall] in the democratic front.

6: that it sends a greeting of solidarity to the international congress for combatting Fascism that will convene in Paris on May 13-14,asking that conference to [express] its solidarity with us in executing our resolutions.

7: the conference considers all acts by democratic countries’ governments that are [taken] under the influence of imperialistic interests and do not match the principles of the right to self-determination as de facto serving Fascism; democracy should rid itself of [such acts].

8: the conference demands that the French officials in Syria and Lebanon heed the principles of genuine democracy.

9: agrees with the suggestion by Ms. Maqbulah al-Shalaq to pursue convening a conference like this one in Damascus, and to found branches of the League for the Fight against Fascism in all villages and cities in Syria and Lebanon.

The text printed here is the resolution to the Conference for Combatting Fascism held in May 1939 held in Beirut, originally printed in Arabic in an issue of the Beirut-based leftist journal Tali‘a.

Led by leftists, including communists, the conference was a well-publicized and well-attended call for action against Nazism and Fascism. It affirmed an alliance, against Nazi Germany (and Fascist Italy) with France, the Mandate occupier of Lebanon and Syria. At the same time, it insisted on the pressing need for political progress. Most important was the ratification by the French parliament, of the 1936 Franco-Syrian and Franco-Lebanese agreements that, like the 1930 Anglo-Iraqi Agreement, would have ended the Mandate and granted Lebanon and Syria far-reaching sovereignty while preserving key French strategic interests. (Ratification never occurred.) In August 1939, the Soviet-German Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact forced communists to adjust their language also in the French Mandates. Here and in other Arab countries like Palestine and Egypt, a majority of people whose written records we possess and perhaps also many other inhabitants, felt caution if not aversion towards Nazi Germany and Fascism Italy. They disliked how those two states organized their societies; were concerned about those states’ territorial ends in the Middle East (which, however, were in the late 1930s actual only in Italy’s case); and feared especially Nazi racism for potentially targeting them, like the Jews, as “Semites,” as Israel Gershoni’s edited volume Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism: Attraction and Repulsion (2014) and Götz Nordbruch’s Nazism in Syria and Lebanon (2009) show.

At the same time, a considerable minority drew open inspiration from Nazi (and other European extreme rightwing) authoritarianism: its cult of a strong leaders, its emphasis on youth as national(ist) revivers, and its style and organizational forms, including salutes, uniforms, marches, and street brawls. Moreover, a small minority from the later 1930s sought to create a political-military alliance with Germany. Until 1939, Germany prevaricated, loath to provoke Britain, the principal power in the interwar Middle East. Thereafter, it did work with colonized nationalists who, as David Motadel’s “The Global Authoritarian Moment” (2019) has shown, were willing to work with Berlin to become independent. Among them were some Arabs like Hajj Amin al-Husseini (1895-1974), an exiled Palestinian leader whose wartime deeds and open anti-Semitism soon was, in the eyes of many, proof that Arabs in general had supported the Nazis.


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May 1939

'Mukafahat al-fashishtiyya!' ('Combatting Fascism!')

The text printed here is the editor’s preface in Arabic in an issue of the Beirut-based leftist journal Tali‘a that was dedicated to the Conference for Combatting Fascism held in May 1939 in Beirut.

Led by leftists, including communists, the conference was a well-publicized and well-attended call for action against Nazism and Fascism. It affirmed an alliance, against Nazi Germany (and Fascist Italy) with France, the Mandate occupier of Lebanon and Syria. At the same time, it insisted on the pressing need for political progress. Most important was the ratification by the French parliament, of the 1936 Franco-Syrian and Franco-Lebanese agreements that, like the 1930 Anglo-Iraqi Agreement, would have ended the Mandate and granted Lebanon and Syria far-reaching sovereignty while preserving key French strategic interests. (Ratification never occurred.) In August 1939, the Soviet-German Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact forced communists to adjust their language also in the French Mandates. Here and in other Arab countries like Palestine and Egypt, a majority of people whose written records we possess and perhaps also many other inhabitants, felt caution if not aversion towards Nazi Germany and Fascism Italy. They disliked how those two states organized their societies; were concerned about those states’ territorial ends in the Middle East (which, however, were in the late 1930s actual only in Italy’s case); and feared especially Nazi racism for potentially targeting them, like the Jews, as “Semites,” as Israel Gershoni’s edited volume Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism: Attraction and Repulsion (2014) and Götz Nordbruch’s Nazism in Syria and Lebanon (2009) show.

At the same time, a considerable minority drew open inspiration from Nazi (and other European extreme rightwing) authoritarianism: its cult of a strong leaders, its emphasis on youth as national(ist) revivers, and its style and organizational forms, including salutes, uniforms, marches, and street brawls. Moreover, a small minority from the later 1930s sought to create a political-military alliance with Germany. Until 1939, Germany prevaricated, loath to provoke Britain, the principal power in the interwar Middle East. Thereafter, it did work with colonized nationalists who, as David Motadel’s “The Global Authoritarian Moment” (2019) has shown, were willing to work with Berlin to become independent. Among them were some Arabs like Hajj Amin al-Husseini (1895-1974), an exiled Palestinian leader whose wartime deeds and open anti-Semitism soon was, in the eyes of many, proof that Arabs in general had supported the Nazis.

Document Information


al-Tali‘a 5, no. 5 (1939): 390-391. Original contributed by Götz Nordbruch; translated and annotated by Cyrus Schayegh.


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