April 7, 1952
Notes by Wilhelm Pieck on the discussion with Stalin
Final Discussion on 7 April 1952--11:20 p.m. in Moscow
St[alin]: up to now all proposals rejected
no compromises
Creation of a European Army--not against the SU [Soviet Union] but rather about power in Europe
Atlantic Treaty--independent state in the West
Demarcation line dangerous borders
1st Line Germans (Stasi), behind [it] Soviet soldiers
We must consider terrorist acts.
Reinstate the liquidated Soviet garrisons
Armaments must be furnished,
immediately Russian arms with rounds [of ammunition]
Military training for Inf[antry], Marine, Aviation, Submarines
Tanks—artillery will be supplied
also [a] rifle division
Hoffmann--24 units--5800
Not militia, but rather [a] well-trained army. Everything without clamor, but persistent.
Also establishment of production cooperatives in villages,
in order to isolate large-scale farmers.
Clever to start in autumn.
create examples--concessions
Seed-corn, machines.
Instructors at their disposal.
force no one
[Do] not scream about Kolchosen [Soviet collective farms]--socialism.
create facts. In the beginning the action.
--way to socialism--state prod[uction] is socialistic
Better pay for engineers
1 : 1,7
2-3x more than workers
11-12000 Rbl [Rubles] to academics
pay qualified workers better than unqualified
propositions not dealt with
Party not dealt with Party conference
Economic conference
Unity, peace treaty--agitate further
Wilhelm Pieck's notes on the final discussion with Joseph Stalin regarding the defense of East Germany, the situation in the East German country side, the plight of the engineers, other issues.
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