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January 25, 1960

N.S. Khrushchev’s Note on a Memorandum to Japan

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N.S. Khrushchev’s Note on a Memorandum to Japan

January 25, 1960

Delete the first paragraph on page 4 because one contradicts the other. We arecondemning Japan, but praising America, but Japan is concluding an agreement with America.

If it is used, then we need to use the introduction of the proposal regarding disarmament instead of meetings with Eisenhower. It would be logical that, say, the Soviet Union made a proposal about partial and full disarmament and this was supported by all of the countries within the UN, includingthe Japanese representative. A special committee has been created now, but not waiting for the results of this committee’s work, the focus is on the conclusion of a military agreement, which increases danger, etc.

This would be more logical.

Khrushchev offers further corrections for a memorandum to Japan. 

Document Information


RGANI, f. 52, op. 1, d. 598, ll. 62. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Allison Smith.


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Blavatnik Family Foundation