August 20, 1945
Order by Aleksei Antonov to Aleksandr Vasilevsky
The Supreme Commander ORDERED:
1. The task of the first order is the capture of the island of Simusyu [Shumshu]. To this end, increase the grouping of our forces landed on this island.
2. Operation to capture the island of Paramushir is to begin after the capture of the island of Simusyu [Shumshu].
3. Prepare the operation against the is. of Hokkaido and the Southern Kurile islands but begin this operation only after special instruction by Stalin.
4. KSENOFONOV’S 87th rifle corps is to be concentrated in the southern part of the is. of Sakhalin and prepare it for operations against either the is. of Hokkaido or against the Southern Kurile Islands.
5. Prepare and carry out more quickly an air landing operation to capture PORT ARTHUR [Lüshun] and DAIREN [Dalian].
6. Report on the directives issued.
No. 14863
20.8.45 16.30
Orders include preparation for the invasion of the island of Hokkaido and the southern Kurile Islands, but are to "begin... only after special instruction by Stalin."
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