A small excerpt from a document listing all the issues (30 in total) considered by the CPSU Presidium at its six sessions from 13 March through 24 April 1953. The excerpt shows that the biological warfare allegations were taken up by the CPSU Presidium on 24 April.
April 24, 1953
Protocol No 6 of the Meeting of the Presidium of the CC CPSU about the MVD Note on the Results of the Investigations into the Reports of Former Advisers to the Ministry of State Security and DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cdes. Glukhov and Smirnov
1. For unauthorized actions of a provocational character which caused significant damage to the interests of the state, to remove V.N. Razuvaev from the post of Ambassador of the USSR to the Korean People's Democratic Republic and the post of Main Military Adviser, to deprive him of the rank of general and to prosecute him.
2. To commission Comrades Molotov and Bulganin to prepare a proposal about candidates for the post of Ambassador of the USSR to the DPRK and for the post of military attach?.
3. To commission Comrade Molotov:
a) within a week to present a proposal regarding the future position of the Government of the Soviet Union on the question "On the use of bacteriological weapons by the American troops in Korea;"
b) to prepare the text of a report which will be handed, by workers of the USSR MID [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] who will be sent to Beijing and Pyongyang, to Comrades Kuznetsov and Suzdalev so that they can inform Comrades Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung about this matter.
4. To introduce for confirmation by the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee the following proposal of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee:
"In connection with the incorrect and dishonest conduct, revealed by the new circumstances, of the former minister of State Security of the USSR Comrade Ignatiev, of concealing from the government a number of important state documents, to remove S.D. Ignatiev from the membership of the CPSU Central Committee."
5. To commission the Party Control Commission of the CPSU Central Committee to review the question of the party responsibility of S.D. Ignatiev."
Response of USSR to false allegations that Americans used biological weapons in North Korea calls for both dismissal of V.N. Razuvaev from his posts as Ambassador of the USSR to the DPRK and military adviser and the commission of Molotov to address the allegations and send his resultant report to Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung. This protocol also authorizes the removal of Ignatiev from the CC CPSU.
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