March 17, 1972
Protocols of the Talks between the Mongolian and the North Korean Government Delegations
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
The talks were held at the government palace [in Ulaanbaatar] at 16:45.
[…] [about one page of mutual thanks – trans.]
Gang Ryang-uk:
In recent years the general international situation has changed quickly and has become very troublesome. But the general situation is developing in the direction favorable to peace, democracy and independence.
The time has passed when the imperialists headed by American imperialism could invade others at will. We think it important, under the current conditions, for the socialist countries to unite with Asian, African and Latin American peoples in intensifying the struggle against imperialism and America, and in giving a blow to the American imperialists who are walking the road to ruin. We see as our struggle the struggle of the Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian people against the American imperialists and their puppets, and make it our policy line to support them in the future.
Because you know, comrades, the principled position of our Workers’ Party with regard to the disagreements between the Soviet Union and China, I will not talk about this in detail.
The USSR and China are both fraternal countries connected to us. We have always opposed the deepening of the Soviet-Chinese disagreements, and what for their relations to improve quickly.
We also want the Mongolian-Chinese relations to be resolved in the interest of the friendship of the two people. We have pursued a policy of striving for solidarity and against the division among fraternal countries, and we will continue to strive for strengthening all countries’ friendship and cooperation.
- Can one see the declaration of the state of emergency as a measure directed against the 8 points proposed by the DPRK government?
- I understood from your talk that the questions of the withdrawal of American forces from South Korea, of resolving the Korean question and dissolution of the so called UN commission will all be spontaneously resolved. What is the reason for that?
- You wish that we explain the Korean situation to all states with which we have friendly relations, and that we even work towards the establishment of relations between those states and the DPRK. On top of this, could you specify the names of the states?
- To what extent does the Chinese government support the efforts of the DPRK government to peacefully unite the Korean motherland?
Answers by cde. Gang Ryang-uk to the above questions.
The Mongolian government probably knows well about the so-called state of emergency declared by the South Korean puppet regime. This is connected to the widening struggle for the unification of the motherland in South Korea. Our party and government times and again made clear proposals regarding the unification of the motherland. The South Korean government did not accept them a single time. They are pursuing this policy in order to maintain US forces and to strengthen encroachments by the Japanese militarists. But the movement within the South Korea people in favor of unification by peaceful road is becoming stronger. On the other hand, the government of Park Chung Hee is entering political and economic crisis.
We have earlier put forward a proposal to hold talks between the Red Cross societies.
Also we have proposed to hold public elections in South Korea. We have put forward a proposal to organize a unified government. Also, we have proposed to reduce military forces of the two sides and to [establish] relations by post. There is a movement internationally and in South Korea in support of these proposals of ours. Now the UN situation has changed. At the time of favorable international conditions, we have forcefully proposed to conduct negotiations between the Red Cross societies. In the end, because the Park Chung Hee government has ended up in a difficult situation, because the aspiration for unity among the people has become great, and because of the support of the international public [for this aspiration], the Park Chung Hee clique had no other way but to agree to the talks of the Red Cross societies.
We viewed these talks as the foundation stone of the Korean unity. Therefore, we are pursuing a policy of good use of these talks. But the Park Chung Hee clique is using delaying tactic [to delay] these talks. These tactics are not successful. Because of all of this, the Park Chung Hee clique had no other way but to declare the state of emergency. In a word, they have declared the state of emergency in order to apply fascist pressure to repress the growing aspiration among the South Korean people for the unification. But even the American Congress, which supports Park Chung Hee, does not support him [now]. The state of emergency is not a result of external causes but of internal ones. In other words, it is not something that resulted from what they call the danger of northern incursion but from a difficult internal situation. The international public also says it is the internal situation that [made them] declare the state of emergency. The Japanese rulers see the state of emergency as an obstacle to unify Korea by peaceful road.
You mentioned the 8 points of our government. It is true that the Park Chung Hee clique opposes them. To cite just one example: we asked why cannot the South and the North correspond by mail and put forward a proposal to exchange post. The so-called state of emergency is to hold the American imperialism by the sleeve on the one hand, and on the other, to provide conditions for the infiltration of Japanese imperialism. (I mentioned concrete examples in my talk).
Despite the fact that our country is one nation and one state, we have been divided for 26 years, the main reason being the presence of the American forces in South Korea. If the American forces leave South Korea, Korea will be peacefully reunified. When the Americans invaded Korea, they used the UN flag to introduce their forces. In general, the UN commission is an organization that was illegally established to divide Korea. It is true that, as you put in your question, we think that the question of the withdrawal of the American forces and of the dissolution of the UN commission will happen spontaneously. The reason we said that is that in addition to the growing strength of the movement for unification inside South Korea, the international pressure is also becoming great. If our two parts [of Korea] enter the UN simultaneously, it would be very useful to our side; at the same time, we think it would be bad to confirm national division at the international level. If we entered the UN, we think that could be useful for getting the American forces our of Korea and for dissolving the so called UN commission. This question was previously raised at the UN by the socialist countries. Your Mongolia also supported our question. The current UN is not the same as the old UN but a little different. Previously the UN used a machine for polling votes. Now they cannot do this any more. If, among the UN members, there are countries which have good relations with you but no relations with us, it would be good if you talked to them about us. Recently we met the President of Mauritania. They said they would support us. In all countries, which we have passed, people express support for and see as an honest idea our proposal for the unification of the motherland by peaceful road.
The international public sees as just and honest our proposal to conclude a peace treaty between the two Koreas, to withdraw American forces and to reduce the militaries.
If we concluded a peace treaty, the Americans would have no reasons to stay there. The Park Chung Hee clique is saying that they will triumph over communism and unite the motherland. They are slandering us that our side wants to unite the motherland by military means. That’s why we put forward the proposal to conclude a peace treaty. The Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone supported me, saying: having gone to Korea before this year’s UN session, having met with Kim Il Sung, and having become acquainted with the situation of Korea, I will support the DPRK position at the UN.
I would like to express gratitude again to the MPRP and the MPR government for supporting the 8 points proposal of our government and the activities of the Korean Workers’ Party under the leadership of comrade Kim Il Sung directed at the unification of the motherland.
The Chinese side fully supports our 8 points and our position with regard to the unification of the motherland by peaceful means. They demand the withdrawal of American forces from Korea. They demand the dissolution of the so-called UN commission. They also supported us at the 26th session of the UN. It is important to know that all fraternal socialist countries support our policy of unification by peaceful road. I believe (he laughed) that you understand well what I am saying.
B. Jargalsaikhan :
I understand that the DPRK government would like to dissolve the UN commission, and, further, to have your representatives at the UN. Recently your representatives went to many African countries. According to what you said, as the head of the delegation, all the countries support your policy. In this connection, I wanted to ask with what specific countries we should speak regarding relations with you. Socialist countries maintain exchange with those countries through different channels. Could you specify the exact countries in order to avoid repetition?
Gang Ryang-uk:
As we see, all the African countries where we went support our position with at the UN. You are far from some countries. Some socialist countries are close. We don’t care if there is repetition. One can exert appropriate influence. We don’t think one can overdo it. It would be one thing if the socialist countries opposed our policy of peaceful unification. But all socialist countries support it, therefore it would be good for all [socialist] countries to raise this question.
Li Gyu Ul:
We don’t know with what country Mongolia has the friendliest relations. Therefore I think we will have an opportunity to meet with you, comrades, later and discuss the tactics with regard to the UN.
Dugersuren :
I would like to express gratitude for providing detailed, friendly information regarding the DPRK’s Workers’ Party’s and government’s external and internal policies.
(Talked about the first part of the prepared topics).
We are happy that you have given clear answers to our additional questions.
I would like to express gratitude to the head of the delegation for saying good words about our country and the people.
I propose to end today’s meeting at this.
Gang Ryang-uk – I agree. I would like to express gratitude for your, head of the delegation, full [support] today for our country’s construction and peaceful unification proposals.
Talks broke up at 11.40. The conversation was held in Mongolian and Korean with Ho En Yon and S. Dorjpurev interpreting.
Officials of the Mongolian People's Republic and the North Korea discuss North Korea's view on inter-Korean relations regarding reunification, the Park Chung Hee regime in South Korea, and their diplomatic orientation toward other socialist states.
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