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June 14, 1962

Reply from the State Council on Additional Allocations of Commodities for Xinjiang

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation



一九六二年五月四日电悉。为了适当改善少数民族的商品供应,进一步加强各民族之间的团结,巩固边防,决定在计划外增拨你区平价商品三千万元,计·棉布八百五十万米(包括国务院四月十三日增拨的二百万米,商业部和民族事务委员会三月一日增拨的三十万米) ,棉花二万扭,绸缎(包括绸头巾)一百万米,呢绒十万米,毛、线头巾二十万条,雨衣四万件,胶鞋十万双,皮鞋十万双(不合出口规格的) ,食糖二千吨,卷烟一千箱,罐头五千箱,钢精锅三万个,钢精杂件五万元,搪瓷面盆五万个,搪瓷口杯五万个,搪瓷杂件二十万元,缝纫机四千架,玻璃六千箱,手电池二万打,梳灯三千打,铁壳水瓶三万个,铁皮四百吨,饭碗三十万个,茶叶五千担。上述商品的调拨手续,请告你区商业厅与商业部、对外贸易部具体洽商办理。











To the People’s Committee of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region:


Copy: Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party


Telegram dated 4 May 1962 received. In order to appropriately remedy the provision of commodities for ethnic minorities, while taking steps toward strengthening harmony between all minority groups and consolidating border defense, we will allocate 3 million yuan worth of commodities for your region in addition to the decided plan.




Cotton cloth: 8,500 kilometers (including the 200 kilometers additionally allocated by the State Council on 13 April and 300 kilometers from the commodities bureau and the Minority Affairs Bureau). Raw cotton: 20,000 twists. Silk fabric (incl. raw silk): 1,000 kilometers. Wool fabric: 100 kilometers. Feather and knit turbans: 200,000. Raincoats: 40,000. Rubber shoes: 100,000 pairs. Leather shoes: 100,000 pairs (not included under export laws). Sugar: 2,000 tons. Cigarettes: 1,000 packets. Tin: 5,000 crates. Aluminum pots: 30,000. Aluminum utensils: 50,000. Porcelain bowls: 50,000. Porcelain cups: 50,000. Porcelain utensils: 200,000. Sewing machines: 4,000. Glass: 6,000 crates. Electrical wire: 200,000 coils. Area lamps: 3,000. Metal thermoses: 30,000. Sheet iron: 400 tons. Rice bowls: 3,000,000. Tea leaves: 5,000 tam. For the formalities of allocation and delivery for these commodities, please contact your region’s commodities office and commodities bureau. The foreign trade bureau will discuss organization in more detail.


Even though these additional allocations cannot fully fulfill your region’s needs, some of the materials come close to what your region has asked. Cotton cloth, for example. The basic amounts that had been determined for this round of additional allocations, as well as purchasing for farm produce and sideline products, commercial goods, and supplemental goods for settlers in cold regions, had already reached the 5 meters allotted to each person for the period 1961-62. Recently, you suggested the 6 meter figure; under the present circumstances of a national crisis in the supply of cotton, this is not a low figure. We hope that you will use these materials to fulfill the needs of minorities in the border areas. Do not plan along averages. While distributing these materials, it is necessary to combine them with agriculture and livestock purchasing.


At present, our herding in the interior regions is seriously weak. Meat provisions in Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning and other cities are exceedingly scant. Therefore, kindly follow the commodities bureau’s plan for lowing the export of farm animals, beef and lamb meat.


As far as grain questions, the grain bureau has been instructed to contact you after completing their research.


State Council

14 June 1962


The State Council increases rations for ethnic minorities in Xinjiang in the wake of the Yi-Ta incident.

Document Information


Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi and Zhonggong Xinjiang Weiwu’er zizhiqu weiyuanhui, eds., Xinjiang gongzuo wenxian xuanbian (1949-2010nian) (Selected Documents on Work in Xinjiang, 1949-2010) (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2010), 212-213. Translated by Max Maller.


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Henry Luce Foundation