Report by a Polish intelligence agent on the International Literary Center (ILC) in Paris which lists the types of Polish people who were given anti-Communist books at the store (number of engineers, architects, intellectuals, etc.)
June 15, 1985
Report by Agent 'Tulon' on New Priorities of Western Anti-Socialist Propaganda
Reference: Activities of the International Literary Center*
For the foreseeable future, one of the main trends in Western, anti-socialist subversive activities will be a rediscovery of the Stalinist period. American centers, including International Literary Centers (ILC) ordered their propaganda units to make young people in Poland interested in this topic, especially comparing it to the latest developments in our country.
The publishing projects concerning this topic will be financed by ILC. Current undertakings in Paris have aimed to reprint some old books on this matter, among others Jan Kucharzewski’s book Od białego do czerwonego caratu [From White to Red Tsarism].
As a part of this project, S.[ławomir] Mrożek will prepare some remembrances of L.[eopold] Tyrmand for the London-based “Puls” publishers. The son of M.[ieczysław] Jastrun, in turn, is working undercover on an anthology of Polish poetry and prose from the Stalinist period. The socialist realism in the works of M.[ieczysław] Brandys, W.[iktor] Woroszylski, T.[adeusz] Konwicki and others will be moderated or justified by their current hostile attitude towards the PRP [Peoples Republic of Poland].
One of the project’s executors will also be the Paris-based “Kultura,” whose editor-in-chief Jerzy Giedroyc is motivated to address the issue. He has stated that the current situation in Poland is taking the form of “neostalinism,” which perhaps will make contacts with opposition in Poland even more difficult than before. Also, he thinks that “Kultura,” due to its long experience, will find an appropriate solution to this difficult situation.
* International Literary Centre Ltd. is an American institution financed by the Federal Budget that emerged from former Press and Special Publication Division [in fact Publication and Special Project Division – P.S.] of the Free Europe Committee. ILC fully finances the distribution of anti-socialist literature published in France, i.e. “Kultura,” “Kontakt,” “Spotkania,” BI “Solidarności.” Moreover, ILC sponsors the book exchange with thirty university centers and libraries.
Report by a Polish intelligence agent on the activities of the International Literacy Center (ILC) to distribute anti-Communist books to Poish youth.
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