December 21, 1989
Report Concerning the Complete Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Mongolia
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
[To the] CPSU CC
Concerning the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from Mongolia
The Mongolian leadership has addressed a request to examine the issue of the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from Mongolia. It plans to include its discussion in the agenda of the working visit to the USSR of MNR Minister of Foreign Affairs Ts. Gombosuren (21-22 December 1989).
The Mongolian side explains its request as the change of the overall military and political situation in the world, and the normalization of the USSR's and MNR's relations with China. The complete withdrawal of Soviet forces is also connected with the MNR's intention to join the Non-Aligned Movement. The withdrawal of Soviet troops is also acquiring urgency as a consequence of the aggravation of the domestic political situation in the MNR and individual manifestations of anti-Soviet sentiments.
Considering all these circumstances it is advisable to decide the issue of the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from the MNR favorably as soon as possible.
At the present time the withdrawal of 76% of the Soviet troops from the MNR which we previously announced, which should be completed in the fall of 1990, is being accomplished. After this one motorized rifle division, a number of combat and logistical support units, weapons and equipment storage bases, and depots of materials will remain on Mongolian territory.
According to the calculations of the Ministry of Defense it seems possible to completely withdrawal combat troops and combat support units during 1991, and the units and support institutions, some bases, and depots of materials in 1992 (the calculations were made without considering the possible withdrawal of Soviet troops from territory of the Warsaw Pact member countries).
Judging from the statements of Ts. Gombosuren, the Mongolian comrades would like the withdrawal of Soviet troops completed in July 1991 (the 70th anniversary of the Mongolian People's Revolution).
Agreement in principle could be given to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Mongolian territory during the talks with the MNR Minister of Foreign Affairs. Propose discussing specific deadlines and the withdrawal procedure in separate Soviet-Mongolian negotiations, and also other practical questions of further military and technical cooperation between the USSR and MNR, in particular the advisability of the functioning of the training center for the performance of special missions in the interests of ensuring the security of the MNR and USSR.
It is advisable for an official statement about the upcoming complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from the MNR to be made in timeframes agreed by the side.
A draft CPSU CC decree is attached.
We request [you] examine [it].
L. ZAYKOV [signed]
V. KRYUCHKOV [signed]
A. YAKOVLEV [signed]
D. YAZOV [signed]
O. BAKLANOV [signed]
I. BELOUSOV [signed]
21 December 1989
[Translator's note: partially obscured handwriting follows below the date]
This report states that the Mongolian authorities requested that Soviet troops be withdrawn following the 1989 Sino-Soviet summit and rapprochement. The writers included a draft decree ordering the removal of troops by July of 1991.
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. Translated by Gary Goldberg.
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