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October 26, 1955

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

On 10 October […] I paid a visit to Comrade German Ambassador Richard Fischer […]. Comrade Fischer spoke about the situation here, he told me that the situation here was completely different from that in China. When he arrived in Pyongyang last year and paid an introductory visit to Comrade Kim Il Sung, Comrade Kim Il Sung told him that he [Kim Il Sung] viewed him not as an ambassador but as a friend who came to help. Unfortunately, he has not experienced that everywhere, because the Korean comrades, whatever comes up, say yes to everything, including tasks which they certainly know they cannot carry out. In his opinion, friends could safely speak among themselves about the difficulties and shortcomings which naturally exist after such a destructive war. In his view, China is much ahead [of North Korea] also in this respect, people are much more frank and open there. Although there were backward conditions and a long dual oppression [in China] too, the Chinese leaders are wonderful, and the people follow them with complete confidence and enthusiasm. […]

József Füredi
Chargé d'Affaires ad interim

Report from József Füredi, chargé d’affaires ad interim at the Hungarian embassy in the DPRK, on a meeting he had with German Ambassador Richard Fischer on 10 October 1955. He reports that the German Ambassador believes the North Korean government and leadership is much less effective than the Chinese one.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 7. doboz, 5/f, 009565/4/1955. Translated by Balazs Szalontai.


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