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Report by Kádas István, 'Negotiations of the Korean nuclear delegation in the GDR'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)




Presenter: Etre Sándor

Top Secret!

Pyongyang, 1968 February 29.


Subject: Negotiations of the Korean nuclear delegation in the GDR



Produced in 3 copies for:

- Center (two copies)

- Embassy



Recently the temporary deputy of the GDR in Pyongyang informed our embassy about the visit/negotiation of a Korean nuclear experts' delegation from 1967 December 4 to 12. Based on the received information, we can report the following to the Center concerning the collaboration of the two countries.


The three-member Korean delegation was led by the vice president of the DPRK's Nuclear Power Committee. Furthermore, the rest of the delegation was comprised of the Committee's head of division, and one head of division of the Nuclear Power Research Institute. The Korean delegation was the guest of the GDR's State Planning Committee. During their stay, the delegation visited many factories, mines, higher education institutions, and some research institutes in the nuclear energy field.


During the closing discussion between the hosts and the Korean delegation on the December 12, the Korean party brought up the following issues:


- The DPRK wishes to establish a treaty with the GDR concerning nuclear research. The delegation was inquiring about the possibilities of this treaty, and the opinion of the GDR.


- The DPRK wishes to acquire equipment from the German party for building a nuclear power plant.


- Furthermore they request the experience of the GDR in running a nuclear plant.


- Purchasing equipment from the GDR suitable for producing radioactive isotopes.


- Requesting passing on German experience concerning radiation safety.


- Made suggestion for the exchange of nuclear scientists.


- The Korean party is ready to send trainees in the field of nuclear research to the GDR.



- The DPRK wishes to purchase the followings from the GDR:


- radioactive isotope measurement devices,


- nuclear physical measurement devices,


- some confidential equipment for nuclear physics research,


- microfilms or copies of western articles about nuclear research.


The German party responded the following to the suggestions of the Korean delegation:


- The GDR is ready, as much as possible, to collaborate with the Korean party in the field suggested by the latter.


- But it is not in the position to realize a wide-scale collaboration in all of the fields of peaceful nuclear energy applications, as the GDR also collaborates with other socialist countries, the Soviet Union above all. The establishment of a treaty seems plausible, but the GDR asks the Korean comrades to turn to other countries collaborating with the GDR at the same time as well.


- The German party acknowledges the verbal requests of the Korean delegation, but only with informative nature. They ask the DPRK to hand in written requests as well at the governmental level, or insert their questions into the scientific-technical collaboration treaty.


- The German comrades heavily emphasized that the DPRK should turn to the Soviet Union, as they could only proceed with the negotiations with the approval of the latter. For example, they could only receive trainees if the DPRK sends their work plan in advance, so that they can decide whether there is a possibility to receive them or not.


- The GDR is ready to send delegations of experts to the DPRK or receive them from there. They asked that in this case the delegations should possess the authorization of their government.


At the end of the discussion the Korean delegation emphasized that they found their visit to the GDR extremely useful.


The German temporary deputy appended that a Korean delegation of nuclear experts have made a visit to the Czechoslovakian Republic and the Soviet Union with similar goals in mind.


[Signature of Kádas István]



A report by Hungarian Ambassador Kadas Istvan about the negotiations between the North Korea and East Germany over nuclear issues.

Document Information


MNL OL XIX-J-1-j É-Korea, 1968, 58. doboz, 81-5, 001781. Translated by Imre Majer.


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Top Secret


Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)