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July 7, 1957

Resolution of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran about the Anti-Party Group




9 July [[195]]7

Subject to return to the

CPSU CC General Department]




We herewith forward a 7 July 1957 resolution about the anti-Party group of Malenkov, Kaganovich, and Molotov and Shepilov, who joined them, adopted at a meeting of an expanded plenum of the CC of the People's Party of Iran


The CC of the People's Party of Iran

[signed] Radmanesh

7 July 1957

[to the archives]

[signed] Ivanov

V. Gorbunov

    12 July








An expanded plenum of the CC of the People's Party of Iran has found out about the unanimously adopted decision of a CPSU CC plenum with the participation of CC members and candidate members and also of members of the auditing commission with respect to the anti-Party group of Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molotov, and Shepilov, who had joined this group.


The decision of the CPSU CC plenum was directed at preserving and strengthening unity in the ranks of the Great Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the consistent realization of the historic decisions of the 20th Congress, namely the restoration of Leninist norms in all areas of the management of Party political and economic life.


There is no doubt that the decisions of the 29 June 1957 CPSU CC plenum will have a positive influence on the world's worker's and democratic movement, on strengthening solidarity among fraternal Parties, and also on the foundations of peace and coexistence precisely because they were adopted along the lines of strengthening the Leninist line of the CPSU CC.


The expanded plenum of the CC of the People's Party of Iran expresses its complete solidarity with these decisions.


Adopted at the 7 July 1957 meeting.


[signed] Radmanesh




Following the "Anti-Party Group's" failed removal of Khrushchev as General Secretary of the CPSU, the People's Party of Iran sends a resolution approving of the CPSU CC plenum's actions and the policy of de-Stalinization.


Document Information


RGANI, f. 5, op. 30, d. 189. General Department of the Central Committee, 1953-1966, microfilm, reel 44. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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