The CPSU Central Committee reports on key considerations for improving Soviet leadership in defense and industry in the context of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
August 15, 1986
Resolution of the USSR Defense Council, 'On Military Cooperation in the 12th Five Year Plan with Socialist and Developing Countries'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
On Military Cooperation in the 12th Five Year Plan with Socialist and Developing Countries
From a Resolution of the USSR Defense Council
From August 15, 1986
The Defense Council of the USSR considers military cooperation as an important component part of the foreign political activity of the CPSU and the Soviet government.
Moreover, in this area there are currently serious defects.
More than 11,000 recovery claims were made due to the quality of equipment delivered from 1981-1985.
The necessary demands are not being made of leadership to swiftly and fully implement delivery of special property and to fulfill their responsibilities to foreign partners, and responsiveness is not being shown in consideration of their claims and requests.
Delayed deliveries of spare parts and repair of military equipment is causing serious damage to the authority of our country.
In particular, major defects are being made in the organization of aviation equipment and means of air defense.
The modernization of delivering military equipment to allied countries is not organized in the necessary way.
Improvements are needed in the selection, placement, and education of specialists sent abroad, on whom the effectiveness of cooperation depends.
The Defense Council of the USSR has resolved:
To consider the achievement of improvement in military cooperation with Socialist and developing countries one of the most important tasks of the USSR’s Ministries and agencies that are engaged in this cooperation.
To raise the personal responsibility of Ministry and agency leadership for completion of tasks established by their respective Ministries and agencies.
Within three months, to develop and confirm activities to eliminate the current defects and increase the effectiveness of military cooperation. To devote particular attention to measures to provide spare parts and expendable materials, assistance in modernization of equipment and weapons, and organization of their repair and maintenance in good condition.
To establish oversight for defense-related Ministries over industry in the delivery of military equipment and other special property at all levels over quality and completeness of delivered equipment, parts, and expendable materials, according to confirmed plans.
To provide a fuller use of scientific and research production basis for states that are members of the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia in the development and production of weapons, military technology, and spare parts, training and auxiliary equipment.
In providing technical cooperation to countries, to obtain improvements in the quality of planning and decrease time required to create units.
To present proposals in the 4th quarter to the GKES [State Committee on Foreign Economic Connections], the Ministry of Defense, the military-industrial complex, and defense industry-related Ministries on the development and manufacture of special technological equipment and tools for the repair of military equipment and weapons delivered abroad [page ends]
This 1986 resolution catalogs failings in Soviet practices for military cooperation with Socialist and developing countries.
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