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April 24, 1963

Secret Telegram from Maneli (Saigon) to Spasowski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 5295]

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



Ciphergram No. 5295


From…Saigon…..dispatched on 4.24. at 0:30 hours……..received on 4.24. at 10:40 hours……

Came in to the Decoding Department…4.24. at 16:00 hours………………………………….





(FYI: Trojanowski, Thee, Chodorek, Ludwik, Mikołaj)


1)  Today Ambassador [Ramchundur] Goburdhun left for India. He again reminded [me] that he would visit Ambassador [Przemysław] Ogrodziński. He is to discuss in [New] Delhi general matters and those related to the

[International Control and Supervisory] Commission. Commission-wise – the matters of chemical weapons, and particularly providing access for the Commission to conduct examinations from the legal point of view.

2)  I am recreating the following picture of the Indian conception of settling the

Vietnam matter from a several conversations with G[oburdhun].


a)  They take it as a sure thing that the NLF [National Liberation Front] will not achieve further military or political victories and that the regime of [Ngo Dinh] Diem [has been] strengthened, and the action of the strategic hamlets proved to be successful.

b)  They consider Diem, his brother [Ngo Dinh Nhu], and sister-in-law, Madame Nhu, to be the main elements [which] strive to make the Americans withdraw.

c)  They are against the American-English conception of removing them from power by means of a possible coup, because they do not want an official government run by a military junta.

d)  [Jawaharlal] Nehru supposedly agreed to a wide political amnesty due to the Indian advice. The policy of so-called “open arms” has already been proclaimed towards the insurgents who resigned from the fight.

e)  The Nhu group is supposedly agreeing to reorganize the government and allowing a few ministers from the emigration and even from the liberation front.

3)  G[oburdhun] takes very seriously the private statement of Nhu [which posits] that they don’t want South Vietnam to be a springboard against world communism, and that after the reorganization of the government and establishment of peace they will follow Nehru’s way.

4)  According to the plan of this group, the Americans would have to leave Vietnam in the nearest year, given the gradual solution of the political matters and establishment of peace.


5)  I let [Goburdhun] know in [our] conversations that the [Indian] plan was based on a series of illusions and unfounded assumptions.







No. 188

Deciphered on 17:45 hours

Deciphered by Lewandowski


Report from Maneli, a Polish official in Saigon, to Warsaw, on the Indian opinion of the situation in Vietnam. According to him, the Indians believe the NLF to be finished and Diem's position to be strong, while they see Diem as the one lobbying for American withdrawal.

Document Information


AMSZ, Warsaw, 6/77, w-102, t-625, obtained and translated by Margaret Gnoinska. Published in CWIHP Working Paper No. 45.


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Leon Levy Foundation