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Survey of GDR Material Support for the PLO between 1974 and 1980

This document was made possible with support from The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Material Solidarity



Value 72,000.- [GDR] Mark


Bed Linen

1 Hand Copy Apparatus
5 Sewing Machines
5 Copy Machines
10 Photo Cameras
5 Cassette Recorder
7 Tape Recorder
1 Binocular
2 Aspectoma [translator’s note: this is a GDR brand no longer produced, probably slide projectors.]
2 Photo Cameras
2 Binoculars
1 Typewriter
1 Film Camera
3 Flexography Presses


Value 500,000.- Mark

Outerwear and Underwear
Sewing Machines


Value 400,000.- Mark

3 Typewriters
Textiles (taken over by Council of Ministers, just freight costs)


Value 10,000.- Mark

8 Typewriters
2 Sewing Machines
2 Hand Copy Apparatuses


2 Solidarity Special Planes with Medicine, Blankets, Fabrics, Tents
Food of a value of 1.5 million Mark

Furthermore sent via ship:

1 Ambulance B-1000
Medical equipment
School and Sports Equipment
Sportswear of a value of 100,000.- Mark


1 Solidarity Special Plane with Medicine, Food, and Clothes of a value of 1 million Mark

[handwritten note] In addition, all solidarity shipments, which were handed over to the PLO by the Solidarity Committee, were essentially funded by the FDGB [“Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund”: Free German Union Association, the mandatory GDR mass organization for workers.]


Solidarity Committee of the GDR

Solidarity Services for the PLO

In the Year 1977

1. Material Solidarity 

9,577 Million Mark

2. Cadre Training (Professional Training)                                           

18 Spots

3. Medical Treatment of the Wounded                                               

    104 Wounded


In the Year 1978

Material Solidarity Plan         

Fulfillment as of March 1978

4.0 Million Mark

0.85 Million Mark

2. Cadre Training (Professional Training)                                           

8 Spots

3. Medical Treatment of the Wounded                                               

    40 Wounded

Solidarity Services for the PLO 1979/1980


Material Solidarity

Overall Value: 4 million Mark

- Medicines, Tents, Fabrics, Clothes, Sportswear, Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Photo Paper, Binoculars, Yarn, Radios, Food

- Treatment of 36 Sick and Wounded

- 8 new PLO Cadres for Specialist Worker Training 


Material Solidarity

Overall Value: 2 million Mark

Actual: about 1 million Mark

- Sportswear, Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Sewing Threads, Tape Recorders, Medicines, Equipment for News Agency WATA

- 32 PLO Cadres Came to the GDR for Training in 1980

- 12 Patients of the PLO were Treated in the GDR

List of GDR material support for the PLO between 1974 and 1980. The form, quantity and value of the support are listed in detail for each year.


Document Information


ZR 1898/86. Translated by Bernd Schaefer.


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The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars