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November 17, 1945

TASS Report Distributed to Cdes. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, A.I. Mikoyan, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkov, V.N. Merkulo, A. Ya. Vyshinsky, and V.G. Dekanozov, 'Otto Hapsburg Has Arrived in Austria'

This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation

[stamp: the Secret

Department of TASS]

Top Secret




VIENNA, 15 November (TASS). It has become known from reliable sources that Otto Habsburg, who is beginning to establish ties with some circles in the Tyrol, is in Innsbruck under the protection of the French occupation forces. A TASS correspondent turned to the press department of the French occupation authorities in Vienna with the question  of how correct were discussions about the presence of Otto Habsburg in Tyrol. [Meyer], one of the deputies to the chief of the press department, replied that this seems improbable.


“How could Otto Habsburg get to the Tyrol?”, asked [Meyer]. The question affects several powers. For first, permission ought to be received for departure from America, where he lives, then from the British and French.


[Meyer] then asked, had the TASS correspondent heard why Otto Habsburg had come to the Tyrol, with some political purpose or for private matters [?]. The TASS correspondent replied that he knew nothing in this respect. Then [Meyer] noted: the idea of the restoration of the Habsburgs is not at all popular. Your question interested me. I’ll call Innsbruck right now and make an inquiry. Wait 10-15 minutes.


[Meyer] left and returned in 30 minutes. He stated that there were no communications with Innsbruck right then. After another 20 minutes a woman came in and reported something to [Meyer] in French. [Meyer] said that a conversation with Innsbruck will be held after dinner and he would try to do everything to clear up this question.


Soon [Meyer] called the TASS correspondent and stated that now he could report some accurate information, namely: Otto Habsburg had arrived in Innsbruck secretly several days ago without notifying and [without] the permission of French authorities.


When Renner arrived in Innsbruck, the French command immediately let the Chancellor know about Otto Habsburg being on Austrian territory and pointed out that this is a personal matter of Otto Habsburg.


In reply to Renner’s question, what do the French authorities intend, he was told that this was properly an Austrian matter, but the occupation authorities will keep track of Otto Habsburg.


Nine copies printed


1 – to Cde. I. V. Stalin

2 – to Cde. V. M. Molotov

3 – to Cde. A. I. Mikoyan

4 – to Cde. L. P. Beria  

5 – to Cde. G. M. Malenkov

6 – to Cde. V. N. Merkulov

7 – to Cde. A. Ya. Vyshinsky

8 – to Cde. V. G. Dekanozov

9 – to file


Outgoing Nº 543ss

17 November 1945

M. Nº 445

   zp  [handwritten: PR]



A TASS correspondent and a representative of the press department of the French occupation forces in Austria inquire after the purpose of Otto von Habsburg's presence in Austria.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 98, ll. 0151-0152. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Blavatnik Family Foundation