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May 14, 1973

Telegram from Beijing, No.059.484, Urgent, SECRET

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

To the First Direction, Relations:


We would like to inform you about some discussions we had with a [North] Korean diplomat in Beijing on the current state of the inter-Korean dialogue:


As it has been the case until now, the DPRK takes the initiative in [starting] the talks.


The attitude of the [South Korean] counter-part is characterized by duplicity and inconsistency in supporting a certain point of view. Therefore, the North Korean diplomat said, the South Koreans at the negotiations table adopt a position which encourages the exchange of views, while they take hostile actions behind the scenes.


According to the administration in Seoul, the Americans stationed in South Korea are not an occupying force, and therefore, it is out of the question that they leave.


The North Koreans are aware of the difficulties involved in negotiating [with the South Koreans], but they still believe that it is possible to cooperate with the South in certain areas, especially on economic issues, to the mutual advantage of both parties.


To achieve this goal, the North Korean diplomat added, the DPRK government already put forward concrete proposals, such as:


  1. Taking care of the excess work force in South Korea and helping [the South Koreans] cope with the emigration [of the unemployed] abroad, by hiring the available workers in industrial complexes in the North, where laborers are badly needed.
  2. Jointly creating an irrigation system by employing the equipment and richer expertise accumulated by the North in this field.
  3. Instituting a unitary system for fishing methods and the ensuing processing industry (granting fishermen from both sides to fish in the fishing areas around the entire peninsula, without restrictions).
  4. Opening the gates at the 38th parallel to create the opportunity for the free circulation of the population.
  5. Jointly creating a linguistic unification plan. Currently, the North Korean diplomat added, the South is under American and Japanese influences.


The reaction of the [South Korean] counterparts continues to be equivocal and it is basically going against the idea of adopting concrete measures for the relaxation of tensions. The desire of the DPRK to remove existing barriers is interpreted as an attempt to infiltrate the South and to undermine the government in Seoul, by triggering a civil war.


Lastly, the North Korean diplomat said that the DPRK government perseveres in its constructive position, being truthfully motivated by its faith in the possibility of uniting the country peacefully, without interference from the outside.


Signed: N. Gavrilescu


수신: 제1관계국


우리는 베이징 주재 [북]조선 외교관과 현 남북대화 상황에 대해 나눈 이야기를 보고하고자 한다:


지금까지 그래왔듯 조선민주주의인민공화국은 대화 [개시의] 주도권을 가진다. [남측] 대표단의 태도는 특정한 시각 유지에 대해 비일관적이며 이중성을 가진 것으로 요약할 수 있다. 이에 따라 북조선 외교관은 남한이 협상 테이블에서 관점의 교환을 장려하면서 뒤에서는 적대적인 행동을 펼친다고 하였다.


서울의 행정부에 따르면 남한에 주둔한 미국인들은 점령군이 아니며, 따라서 그들의 퇴각 여부는 문젯거리가 되지 않는다.


북조선인들은 [남한과의] 협상에서 난점들에 대하여 알고 있으나 그들은 특정 분야, 특히 경제부문에서는, 양측에 도움이 되는 방향으로 남측과 협력의 가능성이 있다고 여전히 믿고 있다.


이 목적을 위하여 조선민주주의인민공화국 정부는 이미 다음과 같은 구체적인 제안을 내놓았다고 북조선 외교관은 추가했다:


1. 남한의 과도한 노동력을 흡수하여 노동력을 긴히 필요로 하는 북측의 산업 단지에 [남한] 노동자들을 고용함으로써 [잉여] 노동력의 해외 유출 문제를 해결함.


2. 관개 분야에 보다 발달된 북조선의 기구와 전문성을 도입하여 관개시설 작업 협력.


3. 수산업 방법에 통일된 제도와 처리산업을 구상 (반도 주위 전역에 걸쳐 양측 어부들의 조업을 허가하는 방안).


4. 38선의 경계를 열어 인구의 자유로운 이동 기회를 제공.


5. 공동으로 언어의 통일계획을 조성. 북조선 외교관의 말에 따르면 현재 남측은 미국과 일본 [언어]의 영향을 받고 있다고 함.


[남한] 대표단은 여전히 모호한 반응을 보이고 있으며 긴장 완화를 위한 구체적인 방안 채택에 반대하고 있다. 장벽제거를 위한 조선민주주의인민공화국의 희망은 전쟁을 일으켜 남측에 침투하여 서울의 정부를 무너뜨리려는 것으로 해석되고 있다.


마지막으로 북조선 외교관은 조선민주주의인민공화국 정부가, 외부의 개입 없는 국가의 평화통일 가능성에 대한 진실된 믿음으로 인해 건설적인 입장을 고수한다고 이야기했다.



서명: N. Gavrilescu



Pyongyang forwards ideas for exchange of commerce, people and goods between North and South Korea. These include bringing surplus labor in the South to work in North Korea, jointly creating irrigation system using North Korean expertise, etc. However, South Korea remains distrustful of the motives of North Korea.


Document Information


Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives, Matter 220, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Secret, MFA, Folder no. 1515, First Directorate – Relations, Regarding Relations between North and South Korea and the Position of Various States on this Topic, January 16 – July 30, 1973. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Eliza Gheorghe.


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ROK Ministry of Unification and Leon Levy Foundation