September 17, 1974
Telegram from Beirut to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 015.971, September 17,1974
This document was made possible with support from Bilkent University
To Comrade Dinu Marcel, Second Directorate – Liaison
In political and press circles in Beirut, lively commentaries are made regarding the visit of comrade Minister George Macovescu in Tel Aviv. It is said that in comrade Macovescu’s discussions with Yigal Allon, [the Israeli official] displayed the displeasure of the Israeli government with the approval [Romania’s] government gave to the PLO’s [plan] to open an office in Bucharest.
Also, it is said that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin raised the same issue with comrade Minister George Macovescu, as well as his displeasure with the content of the Syrian-Romania joint communiqué, following Assad's visit to Romania. Y. Rabin referred to the [paragraphs] in the communiqué in which [Romania] supported the PLO and condemned Israel's bombing of Southern Lebanon, reproaching the fact that the communiqué does not mention at all the Fedayeen attacks on Israel’s territories.
Rabin was also displeased with the fact that the text of this communiqué was not officially transmitted to the Israeli government.
It is commented that Rabin had said that 'in these conditions Romania won't be able to play an important role in the resolution of the conflict in the Near East, if the Romanian government adopts unilateral pro-Arab positions.'
Palestinian circles give a very favorable appreciation of this visit, [as] most Palestinian leaders say that at the moment, no Arab country could disparage the Romanians for having diplomatic relations with Israel, because it has been proven that Romania is a sincere friend of the Palestinians and it supports their cause even in its discussions with the Israeli leadership.
Chargé d’affaires ad interim
C. Olcescu
Discussing the Romanian - Palestinian relationship and the support Romania gives to Palestine while remaining friendly to Israel.
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