Telegram from Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov to G. Apresov, Consul General in Urumqi
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
We consider your telegram about the red corner at Sheng's [Sheng Shicai] and the discussions about the possible Sovietization of Xinjiang alarming. Explain to the Governor [Sheng Shicai] that:
First, the USSR is firmly and steadily of the point of view of the integrity of China and has no direct or indirect territorial claims on China.
Second, we support and intend to support Sheng only because we consider the territorial integrity of China to be advisable and desirable, not only from the point of view of China, but also from the point of view of the USSR.
Third, the USSR is one of a few, if not the only country, which supports and will support China in its struggle for independence against any and all machinations of the Japanese, British, and other imperialist countries, and as long as Sheng fights the Japanese and other foreign imperialist agents like Ma Zhongying [Manchzhuin - SIC], he can count on the support of the USSR.
Fourth, the Sovietization of Xinjiang in whatever form, as you correctly assert, does not enter into our plans and we consider any idea about the Sovietization of Xinjiang and its annexation to the Soviet regions [SIC] of China dangerous.
Fifth, we also oppose such economic and trade relations between the USSR and Xinjiang which could cause the slightest damage to the interests of Xinjiang. Our economic relations should rest upon mutual economic benefit and only on this.
Sixth, if the economic and political agents of the USSR in Xinjiang allow such steps which violate the above Soviet guidelines have Sheng inform us about them immediately so that we can correct the voluntary and involuntary mistakes of our agents.
Seventh, we consider it necessary to note that your explanations given Sheng match our guidelines and we have no doubt that these guidelines will be observed with all precision in the future.
Eighth, we request that the text of this telegram be read to the Governor.
Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov express alarm about Shicai Sheng's red corner and discussions about the possible Sovietization of Xinjiang, reported in an earlier telegram from G. Apresov. They reaffirm that the USSR has no territorial claims on China, denies any plans for the Sovietization of Xinjiang, and declares its firm support for China in its struggle of independence from Japan, Britain, and other imperialist countries.
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