September 9, 1980
Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Berlin, 'The Korean Workers’ Party’s 6th Congress'
This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University
Berlin, 1980. September 9
Created by Se 09.45
Checked by [unknown signature]
Hungarian Workers’ Party Central Committee’s Foreign Division
Subject: The Korean Workers’ Party’s 6th Congress
According to preliminary notions, the German Socialist Unity Party’s delegation participating in the Korean Workers’ Party Congress will be led by a Politburo member. Other members consist of a Central Committee member, the ambassador, and a colleague of the Foreign Division. In this suggestion it was taken into account that the Korean delegation was led by a Politburo member during the German Socialist Unity Party’s congress.
– 207 Serfőző –
To be seen by
Comrade Bobvos
Comrade Szabó Ferenc
Comrade Szalai
Comrade Hajdú
Seen by
Comrade Bényei
Comrade Rátkai
A report on the German Socialist Unity Party participating in the 6th Korean Workers' Party Congress.
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