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November 1980

Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang, 'KWP’s Congress'

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

Serial number: 02831

PYONGYANG, 80. 02. 01


Created by Bo–Ks 45

Checked by [unknown signature]




Subject: KWP’s Congress



According to confidential information from the mission leader of one of the closely collaborating socialist countries, lectures will be given during seminars organized for colleges, universities, and employees on the following topics until the party congress in October:

-   First quarter: “Only Comrade Kim Jong Il (the son of Kim Il Sung) can be the true successor and follower of the Great Leader, and the realizer of the Juche ideologies in the future”


-   Second quarter: “Overview of the revolutionary activities of Kim Il Sung”


-   Third quarter: “The road of the Korean Workers’ Party until the present”


The audience will not be permitted to take notes during the lectures.


According to the opinions of the previous ambassadors, it is expected that Kim Il Sung’s son will acquire leading positions officially as well during the congress. (The agenda involves the modification of the Party Rules.)


According to a night broadcast of the South Korean radio that is aimed at the North, Kim Jong Il is the one behind taking custody of the “anti-party elements”. For example Comrade Kim Dong-gyu, former member of the Central Committee Politburo, and former foreign secretary of the Central Committee, was arrested in 1977 on his instructions. (Comrade Kim Dong-gyu had good relations with the Vietnamese leaders.) I looked into similar statements of the South Korean radio, and except for their propagandistic statements, factually they are mostly true.


Monitoring the internal political life of the DPRK, it is apparent that a new movement has started in the recent few months: “learn from the examples of unanimous heroes”. In the framework of preparing for the congress, this movement is linked with the “three red flag movement”, which was initiated and advocated by Kim Il Sung’s son.


In relation with the aforementioned, I would like to highlight the contents of my no. 135 open telegram.


Based on conversations with our Soviet friends as well, I think it is likely that there has been no decision so far in appointing Kim Jong Il as the official successor. This is currently only in a preparatory stage. (According to my information, Kim Il Sung did not say anything concrete during the last Central Committee session about how the Korean Workers’ Party’s Party Rules should be modified.)


It is also worthy to note that according to my information, O Jin-u is in a very good relationship with Kim Jong Il.


I am asking that only the leaders concerned should be informed about the aforementioned, the apparatus should not be yet.


– 42 ––E. –


To be seen by Comrade Szabó Ferenc

Seen by Comrade Rátkai

The Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang reports on the Kim Il Sung cult of personality and the likelihood that Kim Jong Il will be appointed successor.

Document Information


MNL OL XIV-J-1-j Korea 25-001140/1980. Obtained by North Korean Materials Archive, IFES, Kyungnam University, and translated by Imre Májer.


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Kyungnam University