Recognition of the new junta in charge of Guatemala is recommended.
September 15, 1954
Telegram from M.A. Husain, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, 'Draft Note on Recognition of Guatemala'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
FROM: M.A. Husain
Ministry of External Affairs, AMS Division
Draft note on Recognition of Guatemala
Tel; D.6151/54-AMS
Date: September 15, 1954
This file deals with the question of according recognition to the new gov’t of Guatemala.
…Generally, recognition of a new govt. of a state become necessary for the continuance or establishment of diplomatic relations or for the conduct of negotiations for concluding bilateral treaties. We have no diplomatic relations with Guatemala nor have we mooted any such proposal. There are no problems of especial importance whose solution have to be sought by negotiations. In the circumstances, according to implied recognition to the new Govt of Guatemala by acknowledging the two communications is a matter of academic importance. Therefore, it is not necessary to go into detailed analysis on the merits of the case for according recognition. Since the new govt. of Guatemala has come into existence by the use of force and not in accordance with constitutional practices, it is normally essential to satisfy ourselves that the new Govt. is representative in character and will be stable. Mr. Malik’s comments are not very helpful. But, we have received very useful notes from the UK High Commissioner in New Delhi…
…The UK Govt. accorded formal recognition to the new Govt. in Guatemala on July 26, 1954. But their position was different in the sense that they had diplomatic relations with the previous regime of Guatemala. The new regime had actually threatened to break off relations with the UK unless early recognition was granted…
…According to the UK Govt., the Junta is well established, in complete control of the country, and evidently anxious to adopt a progressive and democratic policy. This view may, perhaps, be accepted at its face value. We suggest that our Embassies at Washington and Paris should be asked to acknowledge the communications. Although this will imply indirect recognition, no particular disadvantage will result. Such a recognition may serve to help our Delegation to the current session of the UN General Assembly in securing the active support of the Guatemalan Delegation on the issues that are important from our point of view. We are doubtful whether Mr. Malik will be in a position to throw more light in the matter than what he has done in his current letter. His observation on the lack of interest of the Eastern European Democracies in the affairs of the Latin American countries is evidently not an objective appreciation of the position since the present troubles in Guatemala are a result of the penetration of the international communist movement…
Summary of Indian relations with the new government of Guatemala.
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