June 27, 1977
Telegram from A. Madhavan, Joint Secretary (AMS)
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
FROM: A. MADHAVAN, Joint Secretary (AMS)
TO: Secretary (ER)
DATE: June 27, 1977
This is a good note by DS(AMS) on the nuclear policies of Latin American countries.
2. The main point to be noted is that Argentina and Brazil have chosen different routes: Argentina has gone for the heavy water reactor, using natural uranium while Brazil has gone in for light water reactor, using enriched uranium. This means that, in the short run, Argentina will be less dependent on advanced nuclear countries. Of course, since its agreement with Canada has not yet been finalized, obviously because of the latest Canadian policy of Full-Scope safeguards, Argentina is not yet in the clear. Until Brazil builds its uranium enrichment facility with West German help, it will be backward in nuclear terms.
3. It needs to be added to this note that efforts are being made by the USA to rope in both Argentina and Brazil into the London Suppliers’ group.
4. Secretary (ER) may kindly see. We need to monitor the nuclear policies of a whole range of countries after President Carter’s new policy was announced.
Argentina and Brazil engaged in different nuclear policies: Argentina has gone for the heavy water reactor, while Brazil has gone for light water reactor
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