Telegram from A. Vyshinsky to Soviet Ambassador in Pyongyang, Shtykov, to inform Kim Il Sung of reallocation of portion of 1951 credit (17 March 1949 agreement) to 1950.
March 16, 1950
Telegram from Shtykov to Vyshinsky
Ciphered telegram Strictly Secret
Copying is Prohibited
From Pyongyang
To Vyshinsky.
I transmit the note we received on 14 March 1950 from the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung:
"I have the honor to inform you of the following:
In connection with the agreement of the Government of the USSR to allocate to Korea in 1950 a portion of the credit for 1951 in the amount of 70,700,000 rubles, the Government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic would like to acquire with this sum arms, ammunition and military-technical equipment for the Korean People's Army in the amounts indicated in the attached [list].
The Government of the Korean People's Democratic Republic hopes that the Government of the USSR, understanding well the needs of the young Korean Republic, will complete the delivery of all the special goods in the shortest period.
Kim Il Sung
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Korean People's Democratic Republic
A copy of the note was transmitted by me to the trade representative of the USSR in Korea. I will send the original note by diplomatic post. The arms and military equipment indicated in the attached [list] will go to the formation of 3 divisions.
attached is a seven page list, divided into sections for artillery armaments, ammunition, [illegible], engineering equipment, military-medical equipment, and military aviation supplies.
Shtykov transmits Kim Il Sung’s March 14 letter containing requests for credit in the form of arms and other military equipment.
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