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October 29, 1947

Telegram, V. Molotov to Cde. Stalin

[Handwritten: Transmitted via VCh on 29/10 at 1935]

[Handwritten: Via VCh]





1. In accordance with Paragraphs 3 and 5 of your 267, you have to first of all insist on the decision about inviting the Koreans and try to ensure that the Korean issue is not discussed prior to the arrival of the Koreans.


This means that, even in case the Soviet proposal about pulling out foreign troops from Korea is discussed first, then you will still have to insist that the proposal is discussed with the participation of the Koreans.


A decision in favor of inviting the Koreans will inevitably lead to postponement of the discussion of the Korean issue, which is advisable.


2. With respect to Paragraph 2 of your proposal, please stick to the following position:


a. Oppose American proposals just as you have suggested.


b. If they nevertheless refuse to invite the Koreans, then abstain during the voting for the American proposals, but do not vote against them, and as grounds for abstaining state that you do not deem it possible to take part in the voting without hearing out the Koreans.


3. I agree with your proposals with respect to Paragraphs 3 and 4. “


[Handwritten: V. Molotov]


[Handwritten: 29 October, 1947]


V. Molotov states the importance that the Korean issue should be discussed with the Koreans. He also details that in the case of opposing proposals from the US, the Soviets should oppose and abstain rather than voting against them.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 107, ll. 0095. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Angela Greenfield.


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