December 15, 1949
Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Wen Shizhen
[1] 文士桢,当时任东北人民政府驻朝鲜商业代表团首席代表.
[2] 元电,指一九四九年十二月十三日文士桢给周恩来并东北人民政府主席高岗、副主席李富春的电报。电报说: 朝鲜政府确定派李周渊为驻中国第一任大使,并请转为征求我政府之同意.”电报还介绍了李周渊的简历.
Wen Shizhen:[1]
The cable dated the 13th [of December] was received.[2]
Please convey to Foreign Minister Pak Heon-yong [Pak Hon Yong] that my government approves of the appointment of Ri Ju-yeong [Ri Ju Yong] as the ambassador of [North] Korea to Chhina.
Zhou Enlai
15 December
[1] Wen Shizhen was then the chief representative of the Northeast People’s Government Business Delegation in North Korea
[2] This refers to the telegram sent by Wen Shizhen to Zhou Enlai as well as Gao Gang (Chairman of the Northeast People’s Government) and Li Fuchun (Vice Chairman of the Northeast People’s Government) on December 13, 1949. In the cable [Wen] said: “the Korean Government has decided to dispatch Ri Ju-yeon to become the first ambassador to China, and requests the approval of our government.” The telegram also introduced Ri Ju-yeon’s resumé.
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