Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan suggest means by which they believe Kliment Voroshilov can structure the Hungarian government in such a way that the Communists have significant control and relations between Hungary and the Soviet Union are friendly.
November 9, 1945
Telephone message via VCh to Cde. Stalin and Cde. Molotov
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
Telephone message via VCh
from Budapest 9 November
to Cde. Stalin
to Cde. Molotov
The discussions between the parties on the question of the formation of a new government have basically concluded. Today I was visited by the leader of the Smallholders Party, future premier Zoltan Tildy, and provided information that the Party intended to form a government on 12 November with the following composition:
1. Prime Minister – Zoltan Tildy (the Independent Smallholders Party)
2. Minister of Internal Affairs - Bela Kovacs (the Independent Smallholders Party)
3. State Secretary for the Police – Mikhail [SIC, should be Miklos] Farkas (a Communist)
4. Minister of Foreign Affairs – Janos Gyongyosi (the Independent Smallholders Party)
5. Minister of Agriculture, (and also Premier for the time being) – Tildy
6. Minister of Reconstruction – Jozsef Antal[l] (the Independent Smallholders Party)
7. Minister of Supply – Karoly Baranyos (the Independent Smallholders Party)
8. Minister of Defense – Jeno Tombor (the Independent Smallholders Party)
9. Minister of Finance – Jeno [SIC, should be Erno] Gero (Communist)
10. Minister of Transport and Communications – Imre Nagy (Communist)
11. Minister of Social Welfare – Erik Molnar (Communist)
12. Minister of Justice – Istvan Ries (Social Democrat)
13. Minister of Industry - Antal Ban (Social Democrat)
14. Minister of Trade – Sandor Ronai (Social Democrat)
15. Minister of Education and Religion – Professor Dezso Keresztury (National Peasant Party)
Thus, in the composition of the government there will be:
7 members of the Independent Smallholders Party
3 Social Democrats
3 Communists and
1 member of the National Peasant Party.
Besides three ministries the Communists will have four more state secretaries: of the Prime Minister, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Ministry of Social Welfare, and in the Ministry of Supply. It is possible that the Communists will receive [one word illegible] state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tildy reported that the convening of the National Assembly is set for the 21st of November. The government will turn to the National Assembly with a declaration in which a specific program of the reconstruction of industry, the regulation of finances, and the supply of the cities and workplaces with food will be presented. The declaration will point out that the government will steadfastly observe the armistice agreement and, in particular, the agreement about deliveries to the Soviet Union. The text of the declaration was prepared for Tildy by the Communists. Before publication of this document Tildy requested that I receive it for coordination of the text.
Leaving, Tildy declared that he was confident that the Soviet government would be satisfied with the policy of his cabinet since in any event it will not make a decision on questions affecting the interests of the Soviet Union without discussing it with the Soviet mission in advance.
Tomorrow toward evening I will inform you of the situation on the basis of which the above declaration will be drafted by the new coalition government.
The characteristics of the new cabinet members.
Bela Kovacs – General Secretary of the Independent Smallholders Party. Before the recent congress (August 1945) he was a little-known person. [He is] close to Ferenc Nagy. He associates with the peasant part of the Party. An inactive person. Bela Kovacs is not discredited against us [SIC]. Until recently Bela Kovacs was State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Communists think that [they] can collaborate with him,
Karoly Baranyos A specialist in the field of agriculture. At one time, before the war, he was State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, but resigned in protest against political cooperation with the Germans. He does not play a ?significant? role in political life.
Jeno Tombor He recent received the rank of General-Lieutenant. [He was] one of the organizers of the Red Army in Hungary, and was Chief of Staff in the Soviet period in Hungary as a Lt. Col., remaining unaffiliated with a political party. He became an opponent of the Revolution and became a civilian. He lived [as] a prisoner, who had his own pharmacy. In 1935 he became close friends with Bajcsy-Zsilinsky and joined the Party of Smallholders with him. Persecuted by the Germans, he was imprisoned for several months. He does not play a notable role in political life.
Jozsef Antal[l] A little-known person in the Party. He is considered an associate of Tildy. At the present time works as a State Secretary of the Ministry of Reconstruction.
Dezso Keresztury A professor of literature. A year ago he joined the National Peasant Party. He was previously unaffiliated with a party, and Director of an Institute to Train Teaching Staff. He took part in underground work against the Germans. He is about 40 years old.
K. Voroshilov
Kliment Voroshilov reports on the likely composition of the new Hungarian government and provides commentary on the characteristics of some of the new cabinet members.
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