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January 7, 1981

Transcript of a General Command of the Armed Forces Meeting during the 1st Gulf War and Telephone Conversations

This file contains handwritten transcripts from a recording of a meeting of the Armed Forces, General Command and Saddam's phone conversations with a group of military leaders, dated January 7, 1981. These meetings cover military considerations for the Iraqi Forces in the 1st Gulf War and suggestions from commanders. 

  • Pages 2‐6 include the index of this record. 
  • Pages 7‐29 talk about the position of the Iraqi Forces during the Iraqi‐Iranian War, procedures, and military‐type discussions to reinforce their forces there and matters of providing ammunitions and tanks. 
  • Pages 30‐56 include a conversation about the position and failures of their aircrafts, especially helicopters. They mentioned the military policy of Stalin. They also talk about the military formation of divisions and brigades of the land forces. 
  • Pages 57‐80 proceed with the same conversation and mention Hitler and his military policy in addition to some historical events. 
  • Pages 81‐92 include comments from the meeting's attendants on field events and positive sides utilized during this war and the spirit of fighters in the battlefield.
  • Pages 93‐123 include an enthusiastic conversation with Saddam Hussein about the achievements made by the Iraqi fighters. In addition, there is communication between army units and some additional suggestions.
  • Pages 124‐146 continue the same above discussion and conclude the results. They also discuss other relevant subjects such as the injuries and casualties of the enemy.


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Document Information


Conflict Records Research Center, National Defense University, SH‐AFGC‐D‐000‐393. Contributed by Steve Coll.


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Meeting Minutes


Record ID


Original Classification

Top Secret