July 8, 1949
Untitled report on a labor conference in Milano
This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily
Beirut, 8/7/1949 - No. 45
I learned from Nicolin that the Milano Conference decided to accept the following Russian recommendations:
First: To address a declaration to workers all over the world urging them to escalate the struggle against war and promote rights, freedoms, and the Unity of the International Labor Movement.
Second: To endorse decisions adopted by the World Peace Conference.
Third: To assign an international day for peace during which popular demonstrations would be organized to protest against all types of fascist attacks on union freedom, and in support of international working class unity.
Fourth: To closely monitor the enemies of working class unity and expose their overt and covert activities.
Fifth: To monitor the development of union movements in countries under Allied control and to maintain close contact with them.
Sixth: The industrial branches established the International Union should spearhead the struggle for the unity of syndicates against capitalism.
Seventh: To redouble efforts to bring unions in colonized countries and those under Allied control into the Union.
Eighth: To fight for the rights of unions trampled on by the bourgeoisie, as is the case in the Arab countries, and for defenders of unions subjected to all forms of ill treatment in prison.
Ninth: All Union branches should expand their daily activities to expose those who call for war and their agents within the workers' movement.
List of Soviet recommendations accepted at the Milano Conference of labor unions.
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