June 17, 1958
Untitled report on Soviet-Egyptian relations
This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily
Damascus, 17/6/1958
On 11/6/1958 Nasser called Abdel-Hamid al-Sarraj and Mohsen abou Nowar, assistant to the Commander of the Syrian Army, to Cairo and, on 12/6/1958, he also called Salah al-Bitar.
On 14/6/1958 al-Sarraj and abou Nowar returned to Damascus and immediately upon their arrival, held several meetings with Akram al-Haurani; General Jamal Faisal, Commander of the First Army; and a number of leading Egyptian officers, some of whom arrived by private planes from Latakia, Aleppo, and al-Jazeerah.
The trustworthy information I managed to obtain from Mr S. ‘A. confirms that the talks which were held in Cairo in the presence of Nasser, al-Sarraj, abou Nowar, General Abdel-Hakim 'Amer, and high ranking officers in the Army, had dealt with the dangerous situation in Lebanon, the possibility that foreign troops might be sent over there, and the measures that have to be taken in response to these developments.
Mr S. 'A. says that if these troops were ever sent to Lebanon, the UAR is prepared to go as far as to provoke a war against the West in order to repel any danger to Syria.
Account of Syrian Army meetings to discuss responses to Lebanon and the deployment of foreign troops.
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