May 9, 1949
Untitled report on Soviet policy towards Zionist Jews
This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily
Beirut, May 9, 1949
Number 40/ In a previous report, I had mentioned the hostile policy launched by the Russian communists against Zionist Jews.
I learned the following about this secret war:
It is well-known that one of the basic communist rules is the fight against any religious establishment or group that takes it upon itself to independently work for its religious principles.
For this reason, in our countries, they had fought “the Muslim Brotherhood,” the Kataa’ib Group and religious consignment organization.
As for countries that they control politically like in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, they had closed down all Zionist, Catholic and orthodox clubs and schools as well dismantle their charities.
Their purpose from this is:
First – to combine Jewish and communist elements and in turn stripping away the nationalist thinking and ideas of independence.
Second – sending a large number of Jewish communists to the Israeli territories in order to gradually put various Israeli establishments in Israel under communist and Russian influence.
This secret war against Zionist Jews started at the meeting
[page missing]
Fragment describing repression of Zionist Jews in the Soviet Union.
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