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Abrasimov, P.A. (Pyotr Andreievitch) 1912- 2009

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Popular Documents

August 15, 1971

Cable from Ambassador Rush to Kissinger Regarding Four Powers Negotiations on Berlin

US Ambassador Rush informs Kissinger on the progress of negotiations between the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and the United States on the status of Berlin.

August 13, 1971

Cable from Ambassador Rush to Kissinger Regarding Four Powers Negotiations on Berlin

US Ambassador Rush informs Kissinger on the progress of negotiations between the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and the United States on the status of Berlin. He reports that negotiations have gone well, aside from difficulties with the British and French ambassadors.

March 10, 1980

Evaluation of Chinese Policies toward Eastern Europe by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

This document addresses China's alleged bid to undermine the unity of the Socialist countries while maintaining special relations with Romania, Yugoslavia, and North Korea. Chinese foreign policy is seen as interfering in the domestic affairs of the Socialist states. By maintaining contacts with Western countries and by encouraging further armament of NATO, China is undermining the position of the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet evaluation assesses China as an unreliable partner in international relations and advises that all contacts of the Chinese government with foreign organizations or authorities be closely monitored.

August 19, 1971

Cable from Ambassador Rush to Henry Kissinger Regarding the Four Powers Negotiations on Berlin

Rush updates National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger on the progress of the Four Powers Negotiations on Berlin, informing him that the "bureaucrats [in the State Department] have been foiled" and an agreement has been completed and "it contains virtually everything we hoped to get under our maximum demands."

July 9, 1957

From the Diary of P. A. Abrasimov, Memorandum of Conversation with the General Secretary of the CCP, Deng Xiaoping, 3 July 1957

Deng Xiaoping talks about the struggle with "rightist" elements in the People's Republic of China.