Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Garegin Abramovich Apresov Гарегин Абрамович Апресов
July 27, 1934
Stalin compares Sheng Shicai, Governor of Xinjiang, to "a provocateur or an hopeless 'leftist'."
October 4, 1936
Governor Shicai Sheng of Xinjiang praises the Soviet Union and expresses gratitude to Cde. V. M. Molotov for the "moral and material friendly aid" Xinjiang has received from the Soviet Union while expressing regret that he will be unable to accompany Apresov, the Consul General in Urumqi, on his visit to the Soviet Union.
November 15, 1935
The Politburo orders objects to be released to the disposition of Cde. Apresov, the General Consul in Urumqi, for distribution as gifts to government officials in Xinjiang.