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Arkhipov, I.

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Popular Documents

May 31, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung

Summary of the conversation between Erich Honecker and Kim Il Sung on 31 May 1984. This is a continuation of the talks suspended on 30 May due to time constraints. Discussion of internal and foreign affairs of East Germany and North Korea, especially concerning relations with China and the Soviet Union.

October 29, 1980

Session of the CPSU CC Politboro on 'Materials for a Friendly Working Visit to the USSR by Polish Leaders'

The CPSU CC Politboro discusses the anti-socialist movement in Poland, and how the Polish leadership should deal with the crisis. The Politboro begins to form an economic solution for Poland.

April 23, 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Commission Report, 'On the Development of the Situation in Poland and Certain Steps on Our Part,' and CPSU CC-Approved Plan of'Measures to Assist the PZPR [Polish United Workers' Party]'

Special Dossier to the CPSU CC discussing the weakening of the PZPR and the rise of Solidarity as an organized political force. Describes the leadership of Kania and Jaruzelski in the party and prescribes a method of politically weakening Solidarity by exposing and exploiting its fragments, including the extremist KOS-KOS, and stepping up propaganda that stresses the impending invasion of Soviet troops to suppress the uprising.

March 26, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, 26 March 1981 (excerpt)

Soviet leaders discuss the results of negotiations with a delegation from the Polish People's Republic, where Poland requested increased import of raw materials.

August 9, 1960

Report from Deputy Chairman of the State Committee I. Arkhipov to USSR Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Cde. G.M. Pushkin

Arkhipov touches upon different aspects of the DPRK economy, including industrial and agricultural development and capital construction.