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Bessmertnykh, Alexander Alexandrovich 1933-

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Popular Documents

July 15, 1991

Memorandum of Conversation: Meeting with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of Germany on July 15, 1991

Bush, Kohl, and others discuss relations with France and France's views of NATO, talks between the US and the USSR over the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), safeguarding the Brazilian rainforest, the Uruguay Round of the GATT, support for economic reforms in the Soviet Union, and US-German relations.

February 18, 1991

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation: Telcon with Chancellor Kohl of Germany, February 18, 1991, 12:04-12:32 p.m.

Kohl briefs Bush on a conversation he recently had with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati concerning the Gulf War. Bush and Kohl also discuss Soviet views on the conflict, as also recent exchanges between France and Germany on GATT negotiations.

June 13, 1991

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Bessmertnykh on Wednesday, 12 June 1991

Kohl and Bessmertnykh talk about the state of Gorbachev's reform policy and preparations for Gorbachev's participation in the World Economic Summit in London in July 1991.

February 20, 1991

The Chancellor’s [Helmut Kohl's] Telephone Conversation with U.S. President Bush on 18 February 1991

Kohl and Bush discuss the Gulf War. Kohl reports on his meeting with Iran's Foreign Minister Velayati and his recent telephone conversation with Gorbachev.

August 22, 1991

Federal Minister Seiters' Meeting with Soviet Ambassador Terechov, Thursday, 22 August 1991

Terechov reports that Gorbachev had resumed his duties in Moscow. The constitutional order would be fully restored very soon.