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Craxi, B.

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Popular Documents

January 17, 1980

Meeting of the Central Committee of the Italian Socialist Party

During a meeting of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party, Bettino Craxi presents his point of view on the tense international situation.

May 28, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Reagan's letter to the Prime Minister about issues related to SALT II (dated 26th May 1986)'

Analysis by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Reagan's (May 26, 1986) letter to PM Craxi. It discusses intended American responses to Soviet violation of SALT II treaty, and calls for consultations with NATO member states.

December 11, 1979

Minutes of the meeting of the National Directorate of the Socialist Party

These are the minutes of the meeting of the National Directorate of the Socialist Party. During this meeting the decision was made to accept the deployment and vote for it in the Parliamentary debate, even if the PSI was not part of the government yet. The minutes contain a long presentation by the future Defense Minister, Lelio Lagorio, which explains the strategic rationale behind the deployment. A lively debate follows, during which Craxi and Lagorio steer the Central Committee towards accepting the deployment.

October 25, 1986

Diplomatic Adviser of the Prime Minister, 'Report of the meeting with NATO's Secretary General Lord Carrington
(24th October, 1986)'

Summary of the meeting between PM Craxi and Secretary General of NATO, Lord Carrington in the aftermath of the Reykjavik Summit. The two leaders exchange opinions on the outcome of the summit and the continuing arms control negotiations.

August 5, 1986

Memorandum of Conversation between Craxi and Armacost

Diplomatic advisor Antonio Badini's report from the meeting between Craxi and Armacost regarding international terrorism, situation in Libya and Syria, and deterioration of East-West relations.