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Danish Defense Intelligence Service

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Popular Documents

October 25, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

An intelligence report from the Danish Defense Intelligence Services providing a general background on the historical events in Cuba leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis (Castro's revolutionary government), the defense systems and readiness of Cuba and its closest allies and military aid and materials in Cuba.

November 8, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

An intelligence report on the activities concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis, including those of the Soviet Union, Cuba and Eastern Europe states. This weekly report also includes an account of the important events/activities from this particular week. The report also analyzes several photo-reconnaissance missions.

November 1, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

Denmark reports on the fact that the Soviet Union does not wish for a Third World War and have abandoned Cuba as a military base, although they hope to keep it as a political base. There is also some reports on conflicts going on around the world in the 'global' Cold War. As a part of this weekly intelligence briefing, there is also a list of dates from the week with important events/actions listed for each of those days.

November 22, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

The Danish Defense Intelligence Service reports on the general standing of several nations after the Cuban Missile Crisis and says that detente is not likely at this time. This weekly report also includes a list of the important events/actions from that week by each day.

November 15, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

This weekly report from the Danish Defense Intelligence Service provides an account of the important events/activities from the past week listed by each day. It also includes the following summary: "Since the Soviet Union and the United States at the current moment have reached on an agreement about the inspection of the transports to Cuba, two issues are left unsolved, that is, the issue of an inspection on Cuba itself and the removal of the IL-28 planes. With regards to the inspection on Cuban territory, it seems like the negotiation efforts of Mikoyan have been in vain. And as for the removal of the Soviet planes, Moscow has expressed itself very negatively, since the planes now are regarded as Cuban property."