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Germany (West). Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Popular Documents

March 16, 1955

Record of 'A Chat with K. M. Panikkar at the Quai D’Orsay'

A representative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports on his conversation with former Indian Ambassador K.M. Panikkar. Panikkar avowed that the Indian government firmly believes that Germany will eventually reunify, while it increasingly fears that Germany will unify by means of war, which would threaten India's own future development. Panikkar suggests that Nehru may discuss this issue in his upcoming meeting with Khrushchev.

June 11, 1971

Telex (coded) No. 2941: Visit by the Indian Foreign Minister to Bonn

Speaking with the West German Foreign Minister, Minister Swaran Singh thanked him for German assistance in dealing with refugees from East Pakistan while highlighting the threat of radicalization and Vietnamization if a long-term political solution is not found. India asked West Germany to apply pressure on Pakistan to stop the refugee stream, but Germany stressed that achieving a reasonable political solution is an internal Pakistani matter, though he pledged to discuss the issue in an upcoming meeting with President Nixon.

March 7, 1974

Cable, Ambassador Dr. Wieck, FRG Embassy Tehran, to the Foreign Ministry, 'Scientific-Technological Cooperation Iran-Federal Republic of Germany'

The document discusses the possible cooperation between Germany and Iran involving the develop of new energies. The perspectives of all the parties involved are listed. Details of the nuclear power plants, the development and delivery via ship of the materials and parts, television satellite system, energy research, metallurgy, geology, chemistry, traffic planning, and desalination. 

August 8, 1974

Inter-Ministerial Meeting on Procurement of German NPP Exports of 1200 to 2400 Megawatt to Iran with Enriched Uranium on 8 August 1974 1974 (15:00 to 17:30 hours) in the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology

This is a list of participant names and notes regarding the results in keywords.

May 31, 1976

Letter to Federal Minister Genscher

This letter details the logistics of the conference in London. The US is likely to submit an application to stop the delivery of so-called sensitive technologies. Delivery and transportation of materials is discussed.