Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1879- 1953
1883- 1973
1876- 1960
1918- 1970
East Asia
Northern Africa
Western Africa
Central Africa
March 26, 1948
Stalin, Pieck, and Grotewohl have a lengthy conversation about the Soviet Zone of Occupation and the activities of the Socialist Unity Party.
April 1, 1952
The first discussion between the delegation of the SED leadership and I. V. Stalin in Moscow. Pieck, Grotewohl, and Ulbricht inform Stalin of the situation in East Germany, the situation in the SED, and ask for economic help.
January 31, 1947
Stalin meets with a German delegation to discuss economic conditions in Germany as well as to discuss the political situation in Soviet occupied territory.
December 18, 1948
Stalin meets with German officials to discuss various aspects of the post-war German economy and government.
Stalin and a delegation of German officials discuss aspects of German economic and military needs, in order to discuss how the Soviet Union can assist them.