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Haunschild, Hans-Hilger

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Popular Documents

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that in the future West Germany and Iran may cooperate " to build uranium enrichment, or fuel reprocessing installations in Iran."

April 5, 1978

Nuclear Waste Disposal of Nuclear Power Plants Iran 5 - 8; Here: Meeting of Mr. State Secretary with Dr. Etemad on 8 and 9 April 1978

Documents summarizes a meeting between Haunschild and Etemad on an upcoming visit to Tehran. It also includes information on talks held in March 1978 with Ahmad Sotoodehnia of the Atomic Energy Organization of lran.

July 1, 1975

Cable from Ambassador Dr. Wieck, FRG Embassy Tehran, 'Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany with Iran in the Area of Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy'

Haunschild and Wieck meet with Dr. Etemad. First Haunschild discusses cooperation with Brazil on peaceful uses of nuclear energy as well as other international partners. There is agreement on future plans for a IAEO Conference in Vienna in September. The continuation of all current projects, collaboration for education and research projects, and sending experts in research. 

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that fissionable nuclear materials will not be transfered to any of the countries listed in the annex.

October 6, 1977

Hans-Hilger Haunschild, 'RE: Nuclear Power Cooperation with Iran; Result of my One-hour meeting with the President of the AEOI , Dr. Etemad, on 4 October 1977'

Hans-Hilger Haunschild provides an update on Iran's order of nuclear power plants from West Germany. He comments on the prospects for increased German-Iranian trade, problems of spent fuel reprocessing, the timeline for conclusion of agreements with Iran, Iran's negotiations with France, and a sea water desalination plant.