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Mazowiecki, Tadeusz 1927- 2013

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Popular Documents

March 21, 1990

Minutes of a Conversation of Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki with US President George Bush

Over two days of meetings, Bush and Mazowiecki discuss German reunification, the future of relations with the Soviet Union/Russia, and NATO.

March 21, 1990

Working Record of the Conversation between the Prime Minister, Tadeusz Mazowiecki and the US Secretary of Defense D. Cheney

Mazowiecki and Cheney discuss Poland’s military, Soviet troop withdraw, and the future of NATO.

November 9, 1990

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Conversation with Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki Frankfurt/Oder, 8 November 1990, 11.15 - 15.15 hours

Kohl and Mazowieki engage in a comprehensive review on the state of bilateral relations. They discuss trade, culture,  infrastructure projects, questions related to the German minority in Poland as well as European security and defense, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the GDR and Polish purchases of military equipment from former East German stocks.

March 21, 1990

Working Record of a Conversation of Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki with Deputy Secretary of State L. Eagleburger

At a working lunch, Mazowiecki and Deputy Secretary of State L. Eagleburger discuss the dangers of Balkanization. Additionally, they discuss the difficulties of European unification in the current political climate. 

March 21, 1990

Working Record of a Conversation of Prime Minister Mazowiecki with Secretary of the Treasury of the United States N. Brady

Mazowiecki and Brady discuss Poland’s debt and potential solutions, and Poland's transition from a communist economy to a capitalist economy.