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Mexico. Federal Security Directorate

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Popular Documents

January 27, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on information gained from the interrogation of Rogelio Raya Morales, a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR). This information includes summaries of Raya Morales's activities on behalf of the MAR, names and pseudonyms of those he worked with, and descriptions of the training received by Mexican revolutionaries in North Korea.

February 6, 1963

Memorandum from the Federal Directory of Security

Mexican Federal Director of Security Manuel Rangel Escamilla reports on representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth's arrival from Moscow, describing the reception they received and providing an overview of their itinerary.

February 28, 1971

Memorandum from Federal Director of Security, Cap. Luís de la Barreda Moreno

Director of Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on the details of Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) member Angel Bravo Cisneros's confession to participating in a robbery at the Three Golden Stars truck terminal, including other MAR members involved in obtaining or hiding the money.

February 22, 1971

Statement by Fabricio Gómez Souza

Information given under oath by Fabricio Gómez Souza after his arrest. Among other things, he provides the locations of his family members' homes, details his path to socialist ideas and the Revolutionary Action Movement, lists the names and pseudonyms of those he worked with, and explains his methods for raising funds by selling American goods in East Germany.

March 3, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Using information gained in investigations into the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) as well as testimonies from the interrogations of Angel Bravo Cisneros and Fabricio Gomez Souza, Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno lists the names, pseudonyms, and addresses of suspected MAR members and the locations of Marxist schools in Mexico.