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Meyer, Cord 1920- 2001

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Popular Documents

August 22, 1968

CIA-State Consultations on Czechoslovak Crisis

Consulted by Cord Meyer, Deputy Undersecretary of State Charles Bohlen approves RFE’s cautious approach to covering the Soviet invasion and also agrees to use of RL transmitters to reach Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia

March 5, 1957

State Department and CIA Officials Discuss Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberation

Robert Murphy, Allen Dulles, and other officials review on March 2 State Department recommendations contained in a memorandum dated January 10 [document not released] and agree that the charter of the Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy (CRBP) include drafting Radio Free Europe (RFE) country policy guidances and considering reductions in RFE broadcasts

January 7, 1957

Memorandum from Frank G. Wisner for the International Organizations Division Chief, 'Reflections on Radio Free Europe's Present Position and Potentials; Lines for Poland, etc.' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

Frank Wisner, reflecting on the Hungarian Revolution, suggests that Soviet Communism is on the defensive and RFE broadcasts to Poland should discourage violence while supporting Party leader Gomulka’s efforts to gain more autonomy from the Soviet Union. IOD Chief Cord Meyer annotates the memorandum.

May 13, 1959

USIA Criticism of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

USIA Director George Allen sympathizes with State Department questioning the value of RFE and RL in a meeting with Allen Dulles and others

January 30, 1958

Radio Free Europe Broadcasts to Poland Reappraised

Radio Free Europe, State Department, and CIA officials review Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Poland in response to State Department criticism