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Polish Foreign Minister Adam Rapacki speaks before the United Nations General Assembly on October 2, 1957.

Rapacki, Adam 1909- 1970

Polish Foreign Minister Adam Rapacki speaks before the United Nations General Assembly on October 2, 1957.

Popular Documents

November 7, 1964

Record of Conversation between Polish leader Wladyslaw Gomułka and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Moscow

Zhou Enlai and Gomulka discuss the growing split between China and the Soviet Union.

November 9, 1964

Record of Conversation between Polish leader Wladyslaw Gomułka and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Moscow

Zhou Enlai and Gomulka discuss the Sino-Soviet split following Khrushchev's removal as well as Poland's involvement in maintaining peace in Vietnam.

February 1963

Soviet Memorandum on the Polish Peace Initiative on Vietnam

Soviet memorandum on the meeting between US Ambassador John Kenneth Galbraith and Polish officials Michalowski and Rapacki. Describes the meeting as a sign of US weariness of involvement in Southeast Asia. Asserts that a neutralized Vietnam could be useful to the socialist countries as well.

January 2, 1958

Address by Polish Foreign Minister Rapacki at the United Nations General Assembly, 'Polish proposal for a European Zone Free From Atomic Weapons'

In response to the arming of West Germany, Rapacki proposes a European Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

January 21, 1963

Galbraith’s Journal Entry Account of the Conversation with Rapacki and Michałowski in New Delhi

Record of conversation between John Kenneth Galbraith and Polish officials Jerzy Michałowski and Adam Rapacki. The Polish officials note that the American campaign is encouraging the North Vietnamese to look to the Chinese for help. Galbraith calls for a six month ceasefire as a sign of good faith.